59) The Night Walk

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 Location : Whampoa, Singapore

Sender : Ms Fina

This happened way back in 2011, when i was still living in a part of Singapore name Whampoa. I know Whampoa is huge so the exact street where we lived  was Jalan Tenteram. I was still living with my mother during those times. One thing about my mother is that she gets possessed very easily or in other words, an easy target since she was very young. She also has a third eye. 

One night in the year 2011, i was going back home from work. The time was around 12:30am. Usually i would travel back home by bus and when my stop came, i remember clearly i was the only one who got down from the bus and at that time, there was no one else at the bus stop.

To get to my house, i needed to take the link bridge between Whampoa Town and Toa Payoh town.  For some reason that night, i chose the longer route to get home. What happened next was really thrilling.

I had my earpiece on to listen to some music. I was walking halfway on the bridge when suddenly, my phone just died. I was shocked because i am sure the battery life was 100% .  I stopped walking halfway to turn on my phone. As i was standing there midway, i heard very loud footsteps behind me! They were loud and i could feel someone running towards me like as if they were trying to rob me!


I turned to see who it was but guess what?! There wasn't a soul behind me. I was all alone on the bridge.  I felt goosebumps all over my body so i turned to continue walking to the end of the bridge. Next to the bridge there were a lot of big trees and what i saw next was.. a black dog standing next to the tree looking at me! I really felt like running away because this dog kept staring at me and there were no other passers-by that night!

In the end, i decided not to run just in case it chases me back so as i walked down the stairs, i kept on reading some prayers. So many questions on my mind at that point of time as i walked closer towards my apartment. As i reached the building of my apartment, i turned my head to see the dog again and saw that it was still standing near the tree, staring at me. 

"Might be just a stray dog," i thought to myself.

Yet, i still felt goosebumps so i quickly walked to the lift lobby and hurried up to my house. Coincidentally that night, my mother was doing night laundry outside the apartment. As i got out of the lift to walk to my house, my mother saw me and as i got closer, her face reactions changes from relax to very frightened. She kept looking at me but i saw that she was very scared!

 "What did you do? Where did you go?!" she started nagging.

Remember how i said my mother has a third eye? She looked so worried and started reading some prayers to me. I knew something wasn't right. I asked her,

"Mum, what's wrong?"

"Where did you go!? Get in right now, straight to the toilet and take a bath! Now!" she shrieked.

Without delaying, i did what she told me to. After washing myself and getting ready for bed, i wanted to find my mum and what i saw in the living room..i could never forget to this day! 

My mother was suddenly dancing in the living room, her eyes were widened so big and just doing some traditional dance moves and i thought to myself,

"Oh Lord! My mother got possessed again!

I wanted to look at her but i felt so scared seeing her in that state. In the house, there were only 2 of us living. My sister had settled down with her husband elsewhere. I just.. didn't know what to do.

"Mum? Mum?" i asked for her. 

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek" was all i got out of her.

I continued reading when suddenly i saw my mother looking at me very angrily because i was reading the prayers. I kept on reading it without stopping until my mother suddenly fell on to the sofa. She looked as if she was about to faint but i got a hold of her and tried to wake her up. When she regained consciousness, she said,

"On the cd. Turn on the prayers cd.." she instructed me.

I did and stayed by her side till she fell asleep. The next day, all my aunts came over to my house after i told them what happened. They were very worried and so my mother told us what happened last night. 

She explained that when she saw me getting out of the lift, she saw a demon following behind me that looks so scary and it resembles the Indonesian ghost named Barongan! 

Anyways, its over since the previous night as i knew what i was reading. Just a little reminder to all; we are always and will be stronger than these demons and we should never fear them. Take my experience for an example. 

Thank You.

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