4) Creepy Old Woman At The Bus Stop

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Location : Sengkang, Singapore

Sender : Ida

I'm a full time housewife and i'm 5 months pregnant with my first child. One night, after spending some time at my parents' house, i decided to go home. My parents and i live in the same area. The time was about 2245 pm. 

My mother suggested that i stay back till the next morning since i was going to be alone at home as my husband was working night shift and he will only be home around 8 am the next morning.

But i disagree because i didn't want to trouble my parents. My old room has now been occupied by my younger brother. How can i sleep on his bed and let him sleep on the sofa, right? I didn't want to trouble my family. So i left. 

My house is about 10 minutes away from my parents' place by car. But because I love walking, so i decided to walk home that night. If i walk, it will take about 15-20 minutes. As i was about to approach the bus stop, i noticed that there is an old woman seating there. She looked at me and smile so i smiled back. This was the first connection. Then she started to ask me questions.

"Going home alone, dear?" she asked.

"Yes aunty," i replied.

"Pregnant with your first child?" she asked again.

"Yes aunty," i replied.

"How many months already?" she asked.

"I'm 5 months pregnant," i replied.

"Where is your husband, dear?" she asked again.

"Oh, he's working. Night shift," i replied.

What she said next gave me the creeps.

"Ohh, pregnant 5 months. Husband at work, home alone"

 "Ohh, pregnant 5 months. Husband at work, home alone"  

She repeated this twice. Then she started to hold my baby bump. While stroking my stomach she said,

"Be careful okay dear. It's not safe out here," she said.

I started to feel uncomfortable and left the bus stop. I walked away faster than usual. I walked straight and turned right to my block. When i turned right, i can still see the bus stop from where i stand. I saw that the old woman was no longer there. 

This made me more uncomfortable because no bus had come. So where did the old woman go?? I looked right and left but she was nowhere to be found. I quickly went into the lift but inside the lift, i smelled something very sweet. I live on the 7th floor. As the lift goes up, level by level, the smell grew stronger. I knew that something wasn't right or maybe something had followed me back!

Luckily my house is near the lift. I walked as fast as i can, unlock my main door and close it back and just when i was about take a breath, someone knocked on my door.


I asked myself questions like, 

"It's already 2310 pm. Who could it be??"

I didn't want to open the door because i feel like whoever is outside isn't good. 


My house is so empty that if i were to even take a breath it will sound very loud. I tried my best to keep quiet and not do anything. When there's no more knocking, i went into my room and change into my pajamas.


I sat up in bed, when i realized the knock was coming from my window! I live on the 7th floor, so who could possibly be knocking? I know that something is disturbing me. It wants to get into my house! I started reading all the prayers that i know. After a while, it stopped knocking. 

I felt thirsty all of a sudden so i went into my kitchen. Just when i step into the kitchen, oh my LORD!! I saw someone's face on my window. Of course i freaked out!

I went back into my room. I couldn't sleep that night. I didn't want to call my husband so i stayed up all night and read all the prayers i know. Luckily, the disturbance stopped there. I should have listened to my mother earlier when she asked me to stay over. I guess this thing disturbed me because i was pregnant. 

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