54) Afraid To Take The Lift

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Location : Buangkok, Singapore

Sender : Ms Farin

This happened to me a few years ago when i was still in college. I was on my way back home one night. The moment i stepped under my block, i saw this middle aged woman in her fifties kept walking around in circles. Then there's me being helpful so,

"Aunty, do you need any help?" i asked her.

"I want to go home but i am afraid to take the lift.." she replied.

"Afraid? Why?" i asked her again.

"Usually my daughter would accompany me while taking the lift but she's not free today.." she replied again.

"Alright, i will help you get home, okay?" i volunteered to send her home.

"Really you want to accompany me home?" she asked.

"Yes Aunty, where is your house?" i asked her again.

"I need to take the lift on the other end." she said while pointing to lift D.

My block is very long so it is segregated accordingly into 4 parts and there's 4 different lifts. This Aunty wanted to take lift D. Lift D is facing the woods and its usually very creepy at night. This is far from where i was staying as my house is located near lift A and its less creepier because its facing the main car parking area. So i had no choice since i didn't want to break my promise to her. 

We  walked together towards lift D. The lift arrived and we got in together. The Aunty was standing in front while i was standing behind her.

"Aunty, you are living on which level?" i asked her again.

"Level 11." she replied.

I pressed button 11 and the doors starts closing . The lift started going up and here is when it starts to get weird. The Aunty kept on repeating the same things to me,

"Thank you for helping me. Are you sure, you can help me?" she asked this question like almost three times in the lift. 

"Yes Aunty, don't be afraid alright, i am here with you.." i was getting tired, especially when its already late.

"Oh.. i am asking because.. because.. i am scared you will be afraid of me.." she replied but this time her words stunned me!

"What did you say Aunty?" i asked her again.

"Next time, don't be too sure about helping others..." she replied.

I kept quiet and i swear to God, i was getting very scared of her. She did communicate, yes, but she did not once turned her head to face me while talking like as if she doesn't want me to see her face. The lift finally arrived at level 11 and the moment the doors opened, she walked out of the lift as fast as lightning! It didn't seemed like the same person walking like the one i saw earlier!

The doors shut behind her and the lift started going down. My heart was racing because i was scared to bump into her again. When the lift reached level 1, i ran for my life! I ran to the other lift and went home straight. Luckily nothing else happened that night. The next morning, i told the story to my mother and in return, she too got afraid of coming home late again!

Thank you.

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