22) The Grandfather Clock

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Location : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Sender : Ms Zubaidah

I am working at one of the 5 stars hotel in KL, Malaysia. I can't reveal to you the name of the hotel. Our hotel only have 2 Master Suite rooms that are reserved only for celebrities. So we seldom clean those rooms. These 2 rooms are located at the top floor and they're right at the end, facing one another. Inside the room it looks like your ordinary apartment but its huge. There is a very big hall, a kitchen, huge bedroom etc. And..there is a very big Grandfather clock located in its hall. From the outlook, it looks like its more than 50 years old. Very antique. 

One night, i was on duty and i had to clean one of the Master Suite rooms. So while cleaning suddenly the Grandfather Clock made a sound, 'TONG!' 

It works like this. If it made the sound once, it's trying to tell you its 1pm. If it made 2 sounds, it means its already 2pm. So because i was bored, while cleaning the hall, i counted how many times it made those sounds. 

"TONG!TONG!TONG!"...it continued making those sounds.. 12 times.

"Eh..how come its 12 times? While its only 10pm now?" i whispered to myself.

So i went up to the clock to see if there's any problem with it. It does show 10pm.

"But why did it make the sound 12 times??" i wondered.

So i ignored it and continue making the bed. While making the bed, i heard a voice saying,


"Wahid! Don't play around with me! Its not funny!" i called out.

Mr Wahid is my Supervisor. He likes to joke around while at work. Sometimes he would purposely close the door or call out your name creepily to disturb his staffs at work. So at first i thought it was him. But the voice came back again..


"Wahid! Stop it!" i was getting upset with him.


"Wahid..please stop it. Its seriously.." i stopped calling out.

Do you know why i stopped? Because i suddenly recalled something. There was a staff meeting weeks ago and Mr Wahid was giving us some advises. So one of it was regarding the Master Suite rooms..

"If you guys were cleaning the Master Suite rooms alone and the clock starts to make those sounds 12 times even though its not 12pm or 12am..leave everything and get out of the room immediately.."

"Hmm..why Sir?" one of my colleagues asked.

"Ok i'll tell you. Believe it or not, you will hear a voice coming out of nowhere counting from 1 till 12. If the voice finished counting till 12..you might see something scary appearing in front of you..."

Suddenly i feel goosebumps around my whole body. Just now it stopped counting at NINE..

I tried to act cool but then i heard..


I couldn't take it anymore. I let out a scream and rushed for the door. After closing it behind me, i ran for the lift. While waiting for the lift, i kept on looking to my left to see if anything weird came out of the room. Once the door lift opened, i rushed in and didn't dare to look behind me. I did not see anything but hearing the voice continuing its counting freaked me out! All of these happened because i had forgotten the advises given by my Supervisor regarding the..Grandfather Clock.

Thank you.

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