12) Bride Gone Missing!

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Location : Selangor, Malaysia

Sender : Mr Adi

A few years ago, my family and i were invited to one of my cousin's wedding. So we arrived a day before the wedding. Upon arrival, my cousin (the bride to be) told us that she isn't feeling well but the weird thing was..she said she don't feel like getting married.

Her mother, my aunt told her to rest since she's not feeling good. So she actually locked herself inside her room. Outside the house, many relatives have gathered to help around. Everybody was busy with the arrangements. As hours past by, my cousin didn't step out of her room at all.

Her mother start to feel bad. Mothers usually feel it first. So we knocked on her bedroom door a few times.


Instead of opening the door, it replied by knocking back! Everyone including myself felt goosebumps and we knew that something isn't right. So the men decided to break down her bedroom door BUT to our surprise, there was no one inside the room! Everyone started to panic because her wedding ceremony will start tomorrow!

We searched for her everywhere but there was no sign of her. Her house is located in a small village where everyone knew one another. We went to meet the Head of the village and told him about it so everyone started looking for her in every part of the village but she's not to be found!

The search went on for 3 days until the forth night. Out of a sudden, she appeared at almost every part of the house at the same time! That shook everyone including myself! In the end, we had to seek the help of a special person (a religious man) to find out what exactly happened to my cousin.

What he told us scare the shit out of me. He said she is actually still in the house but hidden by the supernatural! A day later, we found her in her bedroom, unconscious! This was done by her full of jealousy ex-fiance to prevent her from getting married! How sick is that?! In the end, we had to postpone her marriage because of him.

That's my first ever experience with supernatural and i never want to go back to that village again. Thank you.

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