5) A Big Lesson

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Location : Bedok , Singapore

Sender : Mdm Nita

This happened to me more than 20 years ago, when i was expecting my first child. They say these things love disturbing pregnant woman, especially when she's expecting her first. 

One night, after visiting my parents, me and my husband decided to walk back home. We've done this a lot of times. We will take the shortcut which is passing through some big trees near the private houses. 20 years ago in that area, there used to be a bus stop, which no longer exist.

So while walking suddenly i saw this girl sitting on the roof top of the bus stop! Without thinking i tell my husband,

"Dear! Look at that girl! Why is she sitting on top of the bus stop?!" 

"You're one of a kind. You're not supposed to say it out loud when you see weird things like that," my husband warned me.

I kept quiet and continued walking. Suddenly i began to feel uncomfortable. After i pointed out about the thing, we realized that there is a very strong smell of frangipani following us around. Usually when that happens, it means something bad is about to happen. I hold my husband's hand and he tightened his grip. He too could smell it.

"Dear i think we should turn back to your parents house," my husband told me.

I looked at him and nodded. I could see that he looks super worried which made me more scared. 

So we turned back and started walking towards my parents place. All the way when we were walking, this frangipani smell was all around us. It followed us back until we reached my parents doorsteps. 

"THUD THUD THUD! THUD THUD THUD! MOTHER PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" i started knocking the front door while shouting for my Mum.

Less than a minute, my Mum opened the door.

"Nita, Fendi, why are you still..oh my lord!!! What's that THING BEHIND YOU?!?! Please, i beg of you, don't harm my children, please!" my Mum started shouting. 

At that very moment the smell of frangipani was so strong. It was standing directly behind us! And my mother could see the thing very clearly. I started to hear a very creepy sound behind me. Only God knows how very frightened i was at that moment. 

"Dear!! Come here quick!!" my Mum called for my Dad.

A few seconds later, my Dad appeared next to my Mum. He too saw something and he went in to get the Quran (Islam Holy Book) and started to read some prayers. My husband started to grip my hands very tightly. I know that everyone present was very afraid for me at that point of time.

After 15 - 20 minutes later my Dad finished reading and he told us to read some prayers before entering their house. It was finally over and the thing was gone.

Luckily nothing unusual happened after that and it was such a very big lesson for me. I know it happened a long time ago but these things still happen to the women of today's generation. To all women who are expecting, i hope my experience is a good reminder to you. 

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