Chapter 5

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Christmas morning arrived. Diana woke up alone in her dorm room since the others had gone home for the holidays. She eyed the presents, deciding she did not want to open them alone. Diana stood up, grabbed every present in her arm, and walked up to the boy's dorm room.

"George? Fred?" She called, seeing them just woken up. George was still hiding under his covers as Fred opened his first present.

"Hey, Merry Christmas!" George said, sitting up from his bed. She walked in, putting her present down by Fred and George.

"Merry Christmas! I didn't want to open my presents alone, so I thought I would come to join you guys." Diana said, sitting down next to Fred.

"You could have slept here; Lee's bed is empty," George suggested, as he sat down next to her.

"Or you could have slept in George's bed." Fred laughed,

"Fred!" George snapped, as Diana rolled her eyes.

"Just joking!" Fred laughed, as he put on his Weasley jumper.

The three of them tore open their presents, Diana's parents got her a scarf, that seemed too itchy to wear, Madlyn got her some clothes, Fred and George gave her some chocolates, and Mrs. Weasley had given her another Weasley jumper, her's was pink. Diana grinned, putting her jumper on. Diana had been getting jumpers ever since the first year when Mrs. Weasley had gotten a letter from Fred and George telling her all about Diana's bad parents.

"Let's go see if the boys are awake!" Diana suggested as the boys put their sweaters on.

"Yeah, let's go!" George said. The three stood up and walked down to the first-year's dormitory. Fred pushed open the door, seeing the boys on the ground opening their presents.

"Merry Christmas!" George and Diana said,

"Hey, look — Harry's got a Weasley sweater, too!" Noticing the sweater in Harry's hand.

"Harry's is better than ours, though," said Fred, holding up Harry's sweater.

"She obviously makes more of an effort if you're not family," Fred said, throwing the sweater back at Harry.

"Why aren't you wearing yours, Ron?" George demanded.

"Come on, get it on. They're lovely and warm." He said.

"I hate maroon!" Ron huffed, pulling the sweater on.

"You haven't got a letter on yours. I suppose she thinks you don't forget your name. But we're not stupid — we know we're called Gred and Forge."

"Or maybe you're too stupid to know who's who," Diana commented. George gasped.

"How could you know that I was Fred the whole time!" George said, Diana, shook her head, as he picked up a pillow and threw it at her. It hit her on the shoulder. She gasped, picking it up.

"Jerk!" She laughed, throwing it at his head. He ducked, making it hit a lamp that fell against the wall but didn't break.

"What's all the noise?" Percy asked, sticking his head inside the door, his sweater thrown over his shoulder.

"P for prefect! Get it on, Percy, come on, we're all wearing ours. Even Harry got one." Fred said. The twins grabbed Percy's sweater and pulled it over his head.

"I — don't — want —" Percy shouted, but the twins didn't listen.

"And you're not sitting with the prefects today, either. Christmas is a time for family." George said as they dragged Percy back to his room.


After changing into warmer clothes, the group walked onto the grounds that were covered in several layers of snow. Fred made a snowball and threw it at Ron's head.

"Snowball fight!" He said as Ron whipped the snow off the back of his hat. Ron picked up a snowball and threw it at a running Fred. Harry picked up a snowball and threw it at Diana.

"Harry!" Diana said, laughing, as she whipped the snow off her stomach. She grabbed a snowball and threw it at Harry, who ran behind a tree laughing. Diana picked up a snowball, throwing it at George. It hit him on the side of his head, right on his left ear.

"My ear!" George shouted, taking his hat off and shaking his head from side to side, trying to get the snow out.

"You'll pay for that!" George told Diana. Diana looked at George's evil grin, stepping away, feeling just like she had when he was chasing her with mud covered all over him.

"George, don't! You always get me dirty!" She said. George grinned, making a snowball in his fist. He threw the snowball at her head. She ducked, letting it hit the tree. She started running as George chased her with another snowball.

Diana ran far from George when she finally couldn't see him. She stopped to catch her breath. She picked up a snowball, holding it close to her chest, and scanned the area to look for George. She could hear him walking towards her.

Diana poked her head out, seeing George's back, and she grinned tip-toeing toward him. She slipped his head off and smashed the snowball in his head.

"Diana!" George gasped as he turned around. He turned around, still smirking at her, as he smashed the snowball into her forehead.

"Oh, maybe I should have done the stomach instead," George said, looking at Diana's angry expression, but she looked ridiculous with snow still covering her forehead that he couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey! Come on, you two!" Fred shouted as George whipped the snow off her forehead with his scarf.

"Let's go!" Diana said, grabbing George's hand and running towards the others.


Diana changed into warm clothes and dried her hair before coming downstairs. She still felt freezing, even with the two layers of clothes. Ron and George were huddled around the fireplace. She sat on the couch, shivering and sleepy.

"Where's George and Fred?" Diana asked.

"Percy's chasing them-"

"FRED! GEORGE! YOU GIVE IT BACK RIGHT NOW OR I'M GOING TO HEX YOU!" She heard Percy shouting. There were some loud noises before the twins ran downstairs, still running as Percy ran after them.

"Give it back!"

"Only if you ask nicely, Perks!" Fred shouted as they ran around the room. Fred threw the badge at George, who caught it easily. He ran towards the couch where Diana was sitting, letting it be a barrier between him and Percy.

"If you don't give it back! I will give you detention for a month!" Percy yelled, George scoffed.

"That's nothing. I've had longer," George said, as he ran around the couch. Diana put her feet up, not wanting him to step on them.

"Two months!"


"Fine! No, Diana!" George stopped,

"What? You can't do that!" George said,

"George, don't get distracted! He's lying!" Fred shouted,

"I am not! I'll owl Mum!" Percy shouted as he walked closer to an annoyed George.

"George, he's bluffing," Diana said, rolling her eyes.

"Detention for three months!" Percy shouted.

"Ugh, now you've ruined the fun," George said, throwing the badge at Percy. Percy caught it, rolling his eyes before storming upstairs. 

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