Chapter 60

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The first couple weeks of school Umbridge had become insufferable, attending various lessons and trying to fire students. Diana and George both needed a break, and thankfully the Hogsmeade weekend was approaching.

"Well, where are we going first?" Madlyn said,

"Should we head to the Hogs head?" Diana asked, Lee shook his head.

"No that's not until noon, we've still got plenty of time." 

"Well, I don't know about you two-" Fred said, pointing between Madlyn and Diana, who gave him the same confused look.

"-But us three we're going to go to Zonko's."

"If you're in the process of making a joke shop, why are we still going to Zonko's?" Madlyn asked,

"Because my dear Madlyn, we have research to conduct, a joke shop doesn't appear out of nowhere now does it?" Fred asked.

"Yeah, and we need some more supplies." George commented,

"Why don't you three go to the shop and me and Diana will go shopping instead." Madlyn said, looping her arm through Diana's.

"that's fine with me." Diana shrugged.

"All right, let's meet at the Hogs head later then." George said, the group agreed and parted ways at the station.

"So, what's new with you?" Madlyn asked Diana as they started walking to the new sweet shop that opened up.

"Nothing really,"

"What about Angelina?" Madlyn asked, Angelina had become the new Quidditch captain.

"She seems strangely normal, which I can't complain about, I'm still on the team, and that's one step closer to becoming a professional quidditch player." Diana shrugged.

"Well, it's not like she's going to kick you off the team for dating the guy she liked, that was last year." Angelina said,

"Yeah, I was scared she would but thankfully she's being normal. What about you? Still want to be a curse-breaker?" She asked, Madlyn nodded.

"Yeah, it's perfect but I'm scared I'm goanna get placed somewhere like Egypt. I want to be placed here, so I can stay near Lee." Madlyn signed,

"I'm sure you'll get placed here, don't worry." Diana said, Madlyn nodded but she didn't seem very convinced.


Just before noon the girls started walking to the Hogs head, it was a bit of a walk since it was a little farther away from the rest of the shop. Once they entered the spotted it was filled with several students, they spotted Fred, George, and Lee with bags of supplies by the counter.

"Oh, Di, and Mads are here, so make it twenty-seven cups of butterbeer." Lee called to Fred, who nodded and order twenty-seven cups from the bartender who did not look pleased with the number of customers he was getting.

"Cheers." Fred said, handing them out. 

"Cough up, everyone, I haven't got enough gold for all of these." Fred shouted; everyone grabbed their butter beet before paying Fred. George sat down next to Diana handing her a cup of Butterbeer. 

"Thank you," she said, even though the cup looked rather dirty, they still drank the butterbeer.

"Er. Well-er-hi." Hermione said, once everyone was settled in.

'Well . . . erm . . . well, you know why you're here. Erm . . . well, Harry here had the idea — I mean I had the idea — that it might be good if people who wanted tostudy Defense Against the Dark Arts — and I mean, really study it, you know, not the rubbish thatUmbridge is doing with us because nobody could call that Defense Against the Dark Arts. Well, I thought it would be good if we, well, tookmatters into our own hands." Hermione explained, Diana felt as George grabbed her hand under the table, lacing their fingers together.

"And by that, I mean learning how to defendourselves properly, not just in theory but doing the real spells — "

"You want to pass your Defense Against the Dark Arts OWL too, though, I bet." A boy Diana didn't know said,

"Of course, I do! But more than that, I want to be properly trained in defense because...because..." She took a deep breath.

"Because Lord Voldemort is back." There were several frightened gasps, and someone dropped butterbeer down the front of their shirt.

"Well . . . that's the plan, anyway. If you want to join us, we need to decide how we'regoing to —"

"Where's the proof you-know-who's back?" A blond Hufflepuff boy said,

"Well, Dumbledore believes it-" Hermione began.

"You mean, Dumbledore believes him." The boy said, nodding at Harry.

"Who are you?" Ron asked, rudely.

"Zacharias Smith. And I think we've got the right to know exactly what makes him say you-know-who's back."

There was a lot of fighting back and forth before finally a girl with dark brown hair asked Harry if he can produce a Patronus charm. It sent them in a freezey of questions to ask Harry.

"Okay, I know I did bits of it without help, but the point I'm trying to make is-" Harry began after the group praised him for doing everything alone.

"Are you trying to weasel out of showing us any of this stuff?" Zacharias Smith asked,

"Here's an idea. Why don't you shut your mouth?" Ron asked, Smith flushed but didn't back down.

"Well, we've all turned up to learn from him and now he's telling us he can't really do any of it." 

"That's not what he said," Fred snarled,

"Would you like us to clean out your ears for you?" George asked, taking out a rather long and lethal looking metal instrument from on of his Zonko's bags.

"Or any part of your body really, we're not fussy where we stick this." Fred said, Smith eyed them nervously.

"Yes well, the point is, are we agreed we want to take lessons from Harry?" Hermione asked, there was a murmur of agreements, before Hermione made them sign their names on a piece of parchment before the group decided to leave and continue on their Hogsmeade trip.

Beloved- George WeasleyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara