Chapter 77

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"Whose there?" They heard Mrs. Weasley say as the stood in the back of the burrow door just like they had promised Bill they would be.

"It's Fred, George, and Diana, Mum." Fred said,

"Fred, you have to use code names!" Mrs. Weasley called through the door.

"Mum it's literally 1:30 in the afternoon who is going to attack us right now?" George asked, Mrs. Weasley huffed opening the open the door just a crack to see if it was really Fred, George, and Diana.

"See, just us." Fred said, Mrs. Weasley fully opened the door. The three walked into the burrow, the smell of Mrs. Weasley cooking filling there nostrils. Mrs. Weasley shut the door behind them. 

"Oh, come here you three." Mrs. Weasley said, the twins had to hunch over to hug Mrs. Weasley. George rubbed his back as he straighten up.

"Where's Dad?" Fred asked, as Mrs. Weasley hugged Diana.

"He should be home soon. Do you three know what Bill wants to announce? He's making his dad take a half day so he can be home in time." Mrs. Weasley said, 

"No," Fred and George said, smirking.

"Where's Ginny?" Diana asked, 

"Oh yeah, let me call Ron and Ginny down, I completely forgot to call them down." Mrs. Weasley said, she walked out of the kitchen and the three followed her. Diana and George sat down on one couch with Fred on the other. George put an arm around Diana, putting his right foot over his knee.

"Ron! Ginny! The twins and Diana are here!" A couple seconds later Ron and Ginny ran down the stairs. 

"Finally, you guys came! I've been bored out of my mind!" Ginny said,

"Hey!" Ron shouted, as they sat down next to Fred, Ginny ignored him.

"So, how's the shop? When can we come see it?" Ron asked,

"You will not go see it until Harry is here, so we can go school supply shopping." Mrs. Weasley said, she flicked her wand, and several glasses of water were passed around.

"But there business has been great ever since it started."

"Even during the war?" Mrs. Weasley asked the twins. They nodded.

"Did you ever doubt us, Mum?" George asked, 

"Well... No of course not! I knew you could do it." She said, waving that comment off. George shook his head at his mother. 

"So Diana, how is being a professional quidditch player?" Ginny asked,

"It's amazing Ginny. It's only the first week so I don't know what to expect just yet. We have the latest models on all the equipment, we pratice with the players on the puddlermere united team too!"

"That's so cool! I really want to be a professional quidditch player one day too." Ginny said,

"I hope so too." Diana said.

The clock of all the Weasley's moved Mr. Weasley's hand was moving towards Home, and Bill's had just moved to Home. The fireplace glowed green, and Bill appeared, he was already grinning as he stepped out from the fireplace.

"Bill! There you are! I was getting worried." Mrs. Weasley said, he wiped the soot off his clothes.

"Hi Mum-" Bill said, before the fire glowed green again. Diana's eyebrows rose as she watched a girl step out. The girl was tall and willowy, she had long blond hair, and bright blue eyes, her skin glowed as she stepped out of the living room.

"Fleur Delacour," They heard Ron gasp. Fred, George, and Diana all made eye contact trying to act confused.

"Oh, I didn't know you were going to bring a friend Bill." Mrs. Weasley said, forcing a smile. Mrs. Weasley turned to Fleur. 

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