Chapter 16

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Diana's parents dropped her off at King's crossing the morning of September 1'st. She watched them drive away, before grabbing a cart and putting her luggage on it before entering. Diana walked all the way to 9 3/4, seeing the Hogwarts express. 

She grabbed her luggage and found an empty compartment, before sitting down and waiting for her friends. Diana opened her backpack, finding the prefect's badge that was sent with her Hogwarts letter. She was so excited to tell her friends because she knew her parents weren't going to be excited.


"Ugh, what a summer," Fred said, sitting down as he and George entered the compartment. Diana stared at George, who looked completely different then he had last year.

"Diana, Diana." Madlyn said, shaking Diana. 

"Oh, hi." Diana laughed, before asking about her summer.  

"I can't stay long," Diana told the group.

"Why not?" George asked, as she stood up. Diana blushed taking out her badge.

"Prefect!" The twins shouted,

"Oh wow, congratulations Diana!" Madlyn said, as she took the badge out of Diana's hand examining it.

"Thank you,"

"I can't believe you would do this to us Diana." Fred said, looking at the pin disgustingly.

"We told you we hated Prefect's, you can't accept it." George said, Diana frowned at them.

"Well, that's too bad, cause I already accepted it." Diana said, taking the pin out of Mads hand, as Lee entered the compartment.

"What's up guys?" He said, Diana didn't answer as she walked out of the compartment.

"You two are real idiots." Madlyn said,

"Was it something I said?" Lee asked, confused.

"No, Lee, it's these two idiots!" Madlyn said, pointing between Fred and George.

"It's our morals!" Fred shouted,

"Oh really?" Madlyn asked before smacking him over the head.

"She was clearly so excited about it and you two ruined it!"

"We were just joking!" George said,

"You don't joke about something someone is excited about." Madlyn said, she reached over to smack them over the head but they both ducked.



"Wow, Mads you're really hot when your angry," Lee said, winking at her. Madlyn rolled her eyes sitting back down.


Diana finished her prefect duty and decided to go back and hang out with her friends, just as she opened the compartment door the train stopped.

"What's going on?" She heard Lee ask.

"Diana's the Prefect why doesn't she just tell us." Fred said, Madlyn glared at him.

"I don't know, we've still got a while before we reach Hogwarts." Diana said, as she closed the compartment behind her. She walked up to the window, seeing cloaked figures entering the train.

"Someone's entering the train." Diana said, before jumping away from the window as the window started to freeze over. The train started shaking, lights flickering, making Diana stumbled and land right on George's lap, her back hitting his chest. She could feel every inch of his body.

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