The Affair Revealed

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Nicole thought that coming to her husbands office from her work would be a fun surprise for Alex. After all they both had been so busy with work, there had hardly been any alone time for them. She had picked up a bottle of wine for him and hoped that they could have a romantic night to themselves.

She carefully opened the door and closed it with a small click. Nicole frowned at all of the lights being off in the foyer and the officr as far as she could see. Alex had been working from office all day, it didn't make sense that he would turn off all of the lights. Nicole walked into the kitchen, still slightly curious why Alex had thought of to turn all of the lights off. She set down her purse and the wine on the table .

A mischievous smile lit up Nicole's face as she considered whether or not to scare her husband. After a second she figured that it would be a good idea. Alex was often getting to scare her. This would be some payback. She crept up the stairs, purposely stepping over the one creaky step. Alex's laughter echoed down the foyer. Surprisingly, it sounded like it came from his bathroom. Nicole face crinkled up, her husband liked to work until he couldn't keep his eyes open or she pulled him away.

It didn't make sense that Alex was away from his work and laughing in their bathroom. What was happening? Nicole walked further down the hall towards their bedroom, more curious now than anything about what had happened to Alex.

The sound of a female moaning caused Nicole to freeze. She felt her blood run cold, like ice had been inserted into her veins. She walked forwards without thinking her steps faltering slightly, she had to see if what her brain was telling her was true. She hoped that it was just a sound that her mind came up with and not an actual thing. Maybe she was hallucinating, and maybe everything was actually silent.

Nicole peeked through the slit in the door, the room was lighted with her scented candle that sat on the bath counter. She felt her heart sink to the floor in pure shock. She could make out the figure that was her husband with legs wrapped around his hips, that were certainly not hers. She couldn't see whoever it was that her husband was with, and she didn't want to see.

Nicole turned away from the door and let her back silently hit the wall as tears streamed down her cheeks. She wanted to scream but no sound came out of her mouth. Her breathing grew heavier as the shock of what she saw started to settle in her mind.

There was no way he would do that. What she just saw completely shattered the confidence that she had previously had in her husband. That he loved her. If he loved her, he wouldn't be with another woman. She had thought that he would always be hers and she would be his. Except, Alex just tore that thought up into miniscule pieces. How long had he been doing this? Was she the cuckolded wife, who had no idea her husband was having an affair behind her back?

Clumsily, Nicole pushed herself off of the wall and tried to stumble down the stairs as fast as she could with tears blurring her vision. She had to get out of the office. She couldn't stay in the same place that her husband was having sex with another woman. Nicole needed to get as far away as she could until she calmed down. She hastily grabbed her purse, leaving the wine on the table . The only semblance that she had been in the office. Nicole digged through her purse looking for her keys and once she found them she nearly cried out in relief.

The only sound was her heavy breathing as she tried to hold back her sobs. She couldn't cry yet. She would let herself cry when she was alone.

As soon as the elevator shut behind her, Nicole couldn't help the sobs that were torn from her mouth. It felt like her whole world was crashing down around her. She leaned against the elevator door, feeling like all of her energy had been drained from her body.

To Nicole the warm summer night seemed to be the complete opposite of what Nicole felt. She felt like there should be a torrential rainstorm. As if all of her emotions were to be expressed through the weather, to show how broken she felt.

Shock remained in her blood stream as the thought of Alex with another woman blared in her mind like an alarm. Nicole didn't really see what the other woman looked like, besides that she had light mocha colored skin. It felt impossible that Alex would have ever been with someone else. Except, Nicole saw it with her own eyes. The proof had been right in front of her.

It proved that she wasn't enough for him. And probably never been.

A Big Thank You To Everyone That Has Been Reading My Book And Voting.And To Those That Keep Commenting It Helps Me To Keep Writing, Thank You.

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