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A miscarriage? both babies didn't make it? Why?" I couldn't form a complete sentence.

Dr. Stevens was quiet for a minute then began speaking "Mrs. Romano" she began, but I interrupted her

"Please, don't call me Mrs. Romano, call me Nicole."

"OK, Nicole. As I said, the force to your stomach from the arm of the chair when you fell was too hard, and combined with the seizure from the blow to your head it was just too much stress for your body to handle, and it triggered the miscarriage."

"I don't understand how?. my babies. How can they leave me like?"

" She lets me absorb this before asking "Is there anything I can do for you?"

I shook my head no as my eyes began to well up with tears. She patted me on the arm and told me she would stop by and check in on me later, and then walked out of the room.

My mom and chanel walked over and both hugged me while I cried for what seemed an eternity. After I stopped shaking and crying they both released me and stepped back to give me space. My mom isn't used to seeing me so broken and doesn't quite know what to do or say. I'm sure chanel has filled her in on what's been going on the last few days, and I'm sure she wants to confront Alexandro and give him a good beating.
She excuses herself to go get a cup of coffee and says she will be back shortly. I look at Chanel and ask her where Alexandro is.

"Your lawyer served him with the restraining order at the office yesterday afternoon. The paramedics were trying to put you into the ambulance while he was screaming and yelling at them, insisting that they let him ride in there with you when he was served. Phillip told him that under no circumstances was he allowed within 500 yards of you, and if he showed up at the hospital he would be arrested on the spot. He told your dad that John and the security guard both had to restrain him when the ambulance pulled away. Phillip called me from the hospital and I called your parents; he waited at the hospital until your mom got here."

I have so many emotions going through me right now, mostly anger at Alexandro-this entire mess is because he couldn't keep his dick in his pants. Now I have lost my babies because of him....

A few minutes later there is a knock on the door and alex's mom pokes her head in "Nicole may I come in?"

I give her a small smile "Of course." Chanel gets up and kisses me on the forehead and tells me she will be back in a few minutes. I know she wants to give helena and me a chance to speak privately.
Helena sat down next to me and took my hand in hers. "Nicole, dear, I looked at your chart earlier when you were unconscious. I'm so sorry about the babies." I saw tears well up in her eyes as she continued "are you okay.

I shook my head "Helena am not okay ." And with that I saw a tear roll down her face. "Stephanie has told us what is going on. I don't know what to say. I can't believe he would do this to you. We are all so disappointed in him." We both sit there not saying anything for a few minutes. "Nicole are you going to tell him about the miscarriage?" she asks.

I took a deep breath and said "Helena, I haven't even thought that far. I'm still trying to process it myself. Because of the restraining order we cannot contact each other without our lawyers present, and to be honest with you, I have no desire to speak to him again until we go to court for the divorce hearing." I can see the pain on her face as she absorbs what I just said.

"Nicole I understand and respect your wishes to not see or talk to him, but if you wouldn't have any objection to me telling him about the babies, I think he should know."

"That's fine Helena. It would probably be better if he heard it from you instead of his lawyer.

She gives me a sad smile, leans down and gives me a hug before leaving. "You're my daughter, Nicole, and you always will be."
After she leaves I feel so alone. Helena treated me like her own daughter from the moment she met me.

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