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Alexandro was angry at himself for not being able to protect Nicole, and selfishly decided to treat her bad . "he pushed her in the hands of this monster … if you don't know what you're doing here. Don't you think it would be a good idea, if you leave?!" he demanded, while glaring at her.

After a few minutes of thinking about his next move. Alexandro began to feel the overwhelming need to sleep.

"Sleep with me please Alexandro" Nicole asks as she lifts the covers up a little, Alex wastes no time in joining her. He wraps his arms around Nicole gently and kisses her cheek.

"Night Baby, I'll be here when you wake up" Alexandro whispers, before he knew it Nicole was in a peaceful sleep. He enjoyed watching her when she was like this.

Nicole woke up after what felt like a few minutes from when she fell asleep, she could feel the grip of Alexandro's hands on hers as his arms wrapped around her waist. She moved a little, finding Alexandro to stir in his sleep. She closed her eyes content with him still being there and willed herself back to sleep.

"Awake so soon, baby?" The voice wasn't Alexandro's, far from it. Nicole turned and saw that she was no longer in a her bedroom. The walls were a pale Blue complete with dark wood, the room was poorly decorated. Nicole saw the face and screamed.

"Where's Alexandro?" Nicole shouts, this wasn't where she fell asleep.

"He's dead baby, remember? You both parted ways and you came to me, he didn't like that" Conrad replies as he tries to comfort Nicole.

"Get  away from me you pyscho" Nicole growls slapping Conrad across the face; he looked hurt and disappointed from Nicole's reaction of him.

"Oh come on Nicole you've had feelings for me for a long time, get over it" Conrad steps closer once again but Nicole shoves him and grabs the closest object to her, a lamp.

"I'm not scared to smash your skull in" Nicole says as she lifts the lamp in the air ready to attack, Conrad holds his hands up in defence but it's no use. Nicole connects the lamp with his head and he walls to the ground, she continues smashing it into his skull not caring about the consequences.

Nicole forces one last smack and let's go of the lamp, she was alone in the world with no one to turn to. How could this happen? She was in her bedroom with Alexandro just a few moments ago; they were in each others arms. They were okay. Did Nicole really miss out on five years of her life? Nicole was more than confused, she was distraught and a complete mess. She lay on the floor just a few feet away from Conrad's lifeless body, she closed her eyes and willed for this to not be real.

"Nicole, wake up honey, wake up" Alexandro pleads with Nicole as she screams, her body tossed and turned as she tried to fight the nightmare.

"Come on Honey," Alexandro tried again, he didn't know what to do except for comfort the woman he loved. She needed to know that she was safe.

Suddenly Nicole's eyes opened, they were wide as she quickly scanned the room and found Alex's eyes staring into hers. She knew that the nightmare she had endured wasn't real; tears began to fall down her cheeks. She held onto Alex's tight as he continued to comfort her with soft whispers.

"Conrad, he was in my nightmare and I couldn't stop it. I killed him Alexandro; I killed him with my own hands.why would i want to kill him, he has been my only friend. He was so different in my dream he was full of pent up anger he told me that you were dead , I thought it was real" Nicole continued to sob as Alexandro held her tighter; he needed to pay the bastard a visit before he tries to harm Nicole .

"Shh its okay baby, it wasn't real it was just a nightmare." none of us will die we still need to have make babies. Alexandro pulls Nicole into his lap and allows her to nestle her head into his neck. They stayed like this until she fell into a deep sleep once again. He wouldn't rest.

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