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I thought I had everything that a girl could ask for, but I was wrong.

"Who is she?" I asked the private investigator I hired a week ago.

"Her name is Gabriela Montez, she's 26 years old, works at Romano Groups graphic designer, and is a very talented painter."

I looked at the photo of my husband and his mistress, and my heart clenched at the sight of them. They look so happy and in love. They were on a beach, and I remembered when Alex told me a few weeks ago that he had to go on a business trip and he would be gone for an entire week.

Apparently he took his mistress to the beach, while I left alone at home waiting for him to call.

"Thank you" I said to the investigator, and walked away.

Based on the report they been together for 1year 4months now.

Two days later Alex informed me that he had to go out of town for 2 days…and didn't invite me to go with him.

Now it's time for me to confront my cheating husband and his whore—he is currently in her apartment, not out of town on a 2 day business trip….

Taking a deep breath, I stepped out of my car and went straight to the elevator. Luckily the security at the front desk knew me and let me up.

Arriving at 15th floor and went to the bitches door and knocked.

"Just a second" and then I heard some commotion and giggling.

"Hurry up"- I knew that voice so well

The door opened, and she started to speak, but stopped mid-sentence when she saw me.

"Hi, may I come in" I said to her, staring her right in the eyes. I walked right in, not waiting for her to answer.

She's very beautiful- tall, curvy, sophisticated-everything that I'm not.what hurts the most is that i know her.

I looked around her apartment, and saw that she has really good taste.

"Gabby what took you so-"and just like his mistress, Alex is beyond shocked to see me. He's only wearing his black boxer briefs

"Hello Alexandro" I harden my heart and stare at him coldly.

"Honey let me…" he started to say, but I cut him off before he could say any more.

"What? You didn't mean for this to happen? You didn't mean to hurt me? This isn't what it looks like?" I couldn't stop the tears from falling. "Should I have all your things delivered here now?" I asked, turning towards his speechless whore.

He didn't answer, so I turned on my heels and walked away.

I went home and started packing my things.

Halfway through packing Alex barged in.

"Wh-what are you doing" he stuttered.

"What does it look like?" I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

"Baby please let me explain" he begged, grabbing my hands.

"Explain what Alexandro?" I yelled, pulling away from him.

"I'm so sorry" he fell to his knees.

"Why?" I quietly asked, as I sat on the edge of our bed. "Why wasn't I enough?"

"You've been so busy and all we do is fight. I met her in a bar one night and we got into talking. Nothing happened. Then a week later I saw her again at an exhibit at a art studio. We went for a few drinks and one thing lead to another…" as his voice trailed off and he looked down at his hands. All I wanted to do scream at him and hurt him like he hurt me.

"Do you know how hard it is to be your wife? I have worked so hard to prove myself –prove that I didn't just get my company because I'm your wife. I have to constantly prove to everyone that I earned my business on my own, and that I didn't just marry you for your money. I had just recently graduated college, and suddenly I became your wife. Everyone said that I was handed everything because I was the wife of Alexandro Romano."

"But do you know what hurts the most? That despite all of it, the judgement and criticism, I knew that you were there for me. Ever since we got married , I was always scared that one day you would wake up and realize that I wasn't enough anymore…. But you always told me that I was more than enough. But I was so wrong, wasn't I?"

"You are enough" he weakly says

"Yeah right…. It's so obvious that I am enough" I mutter.

"I hope she was worth it" Nicole said as she grabbed her suitcase and walked out of their bedroom.

"Please Nicole! I'll do anything -please don't leave me" He pleads, hugging me from behind. I feel his tears on my shoulder.

"I didn't leave you, you left me" I said, and freed myself from his arms.

"Please tell me what I can do" he begs, grabbing my waist and pulling me back to him.

"There's nothing you can do- I'm so sorry I wasn't enough." I finally removed his arms and ran to the elevator.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw leeza crying and John just looked at us. I gave them one last smile as I stepped into the elevator and the doors closed. After I got to the garage and started backing my car out, I saw the elevator open, with Alexandro on his knees, tears streaming down his face, screaming my name. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.


What have I done? I have everything I need- money, power, family and most important, a beautiful wife who loved me despite all my faults and fuckedupness.

All she wanted was for me to love her back unconditionally. But I betrayed her—I broke my vows.

I hope she was worth it

That sentence keeps coming back.

But Gabriela fucking Montez was not worth it.

She's just a whore who boosted my ego and made me feel wanted.

I don't know how long I've been kneeling- I can no longer see her car.

She left me .

You fucked another woman Alex, what do you expect? My sub-conscious sneered at me

"Mr. Romano" I heard Leeza call my name.

"Let's go inside sir," but I don't want to move.

With the help of John they got me to my feet and helped me to the great room.

Setting me on the couch, they then left me alone without saying a word; I know they must be disgusted by my actions.

I look around, and my eyes go to the huge wedding picture that hangs above the fire place. We look so happy. I was standing behind Nicole, smiling down at her, and she's beaming back at me. We were so in love. And I just ruined that.

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