Last Chance I'll Ever Give You

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Before Chanel can get a look, a great hand opens the stall door, and cool air rushes into the confined space. Within seconds Alexandro's distinct smell fills her nose and overwhelms her senses. Though they're hiding in a bathroom stall, she feels calmer just being near him.

"Ahh, the bathroom again," Alexandro says dryly. "Miss Ambrose seems to enjoy meeting people in bathrooms." He emphasizes her maiden name.

Chanel flinches. He hasn't called her Miss Ambrose ever but his grandad did, and the name deliberately calls her affair   into question. Before she can object, Alexandro takes a step forward and grabs her wrists. He presses her hands overhead and pushes her back against the wall. Then he slammed his body against hers.

Chanel feels a sharp pain as he bites her lip, and she opened her mouth in shock. Alexandro takes the chance to give her punitive and retaliatory kisses. It's as violent as a storm. His domineering lips control hers, and his tongue overwhelms her. His breath sweeps the air out of her mouth.

She feels like she's running out of oxygen. Her mind buzzes, and she can't seem to think. The world starts to fall away—all that's left is Alexandro and his body. When Alexandro lifts her dress up, Chanel suddenly feels herself sobering. She bites his tongue hard and tastes blood. Alexandro m.o.a.ns. "Alexandro," Chanel gasps, trying to push him away.

"Why are you stopping me? The note you passed to John was asking me to come to do this in the bathroom, no?" Alexandro asks with a sneer. "Having affairs in bathroom stalls seems to be a specialty of yours, Miss Ambrose."

"You have to help me, Alex," she says, repeating the message she scrawled across the back of the receipt.

"What do you want me to help you with?" he asks. "With my hands? My mouth? Or this?" He presses his body into her and she can feel his d.i.c.k against her hip. It's hard with an unstoppable need.

"No," she whispers with disappointment, "That's not what I meant."

"What did you mean then?" Alexandro asks.

She bites her lip. She wants to explain the situation to him and ask him to rescue her from Conrad, but she's too embarrassed to ask. I know that he's still hurt by my betrayal with his grandad, she thinks. But how can I explain everything now? How can I tell him that I've decided to help Conrad get hold of Nicole, even if i have to sacrifice myself? How do I make him believe am held against my will? How can I convince him to take me away from this hell?

She takes a deep breath and swallows her pride, knowing that she may not find another chance. "That wasn't what I wanted help with," she says. "I wanted to help to escape. Can you take me away?"

He presses his body into hers more firmly and lifts her chin with a fierce gesture. "Take you away?" Alexandro asks as if the very idea is ridiculous to him. "You were just showing off your relationship with Conrad, and now you want me to take you away?"

"I have nothing to do with him," Chanel whispers. "You misunderstood the situation."

"Misunderstood what?" Alexandro asks bitterly. "Are you going to try to tell me that everything I saw was an illusion? You must think I'm a gullible fool. You lied to us over and over again. Why do you expect me to believe you now?"

"I'm not lying to you," Chanel says, "I'm telling the truth. Please trust me."

"You think I'll trust you again?" he shouts.

The sudden volume and intensity of his voice stun her. his voice stun her. She wonders if the store has soundproofing and strains her ears to listen to the guards outside the door. When she looks back at Alex, he's staring at her in mute fury, waiting for her to speak.

"Don't you want to defend yourself?" he asks. 

Chanel searches for the words to explain herself, but her mind feels blank. She tries to speak, but her voice doesn't seem to work.

His anger erupts like an active volcano that has been dormant for too long. "Why don't you say something?" he roars. "Why don't you invent one of your little stories? You're usually so full of them."

It was a bad idea to turn to him for help, Chanel thinks regretfully. He still doesn't believe me.

"Why don't you say he threatened you with Nicole and forced you to come to him to save her?" Alexandro asks.

Chanel is dumbfounded—she has no idea how Alexandro has guessed the truth. "That's true," she whispers.

"So I suppose you're going to tell me that you're just acting with Conrad," Alexandro says.

Chanel nods her head gently.

"You think I'll trust you just like that?" Alexandro asks.

She looks up at his face and sees disbelief etched across his expression. He doesn't seem to be persuaded at all. She shakes her head in despair. "Why don't you ever listen to my explanations?" she asks, "Why can't you just trust me?"

"Because you're always lying."

He's right. It's all my fault, she thinks. I slowly destroyed his trust by lying and deceiving them. Things are so bad now that he won't even believe anything i say. I used to be so cold , but now I regret every lie I've ever told.

"What can I do to convince you to trust me again?" she asks.

"Trust you?" Alexandro asks with a sarcastic smile. He suddenly grabs her hand and tugs her forcefully from the stall.

Chanel tries to pull her hand away, but his grip is too strong. His rage and determination terrify her, and she wants to escape. "What are you doing?" she asks.

He tugged her wrist and pulled her out of the bathroom and back to the VIP room. Conrad is sitting lazily on the sofa. As they enter the room, he lazily lifts his heavy eyelids and looks at Alexandro, holding Chanel by the wrist. Conrad keeps his calm and smiles arrogantly at the duo.

Alex positions Chanel in front of Conrad and hands her a pistol. "Shoot him in the heart in front of me, and I'll trust you," Alexandro says. "This is the last chance I'll ever give you."

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