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"Things on a cell phone belong to the person who owns the phone. They're private. You can't just take someone's phone and look at their belongings," Nicole types back.

"What about your body?" Alex messages.

"??? I don't understand what you mean."

"I mean can your body be seen and taken?"

"You're so vulgar," Nicole messages.

"How can he be so disgusting?" she thinks, "He's in an important meeting, but instead of listening he's sending me s.e.x.u.a.l texts."

Nicole scowls at Alex and slams her phone onto the table, refusing to check his reply. Everyone in the conference room goes quiet; simultaneously they all turn and look at her.

"Mrs. Romano is behaving as if she's angry at Mr. Romano," they think.

"What are you looking at?" Nicole snaps, "Get out."

"Is the meeting over?" the executives wonder, "This is unprecedented, but it seems like Mr. and Mrs. Romano have some business they need to take care of privately. he is looking at her like he wants to take her right there on the table?"

Like recently freed prisoners, the executives file out of the room in less than a minute to the sound of scraping chairs and shuffling feet. Only Nicole and Alex are left in the large conference room.

Nicole is still angry, and she turns to face her husband, "Alexandro, give my phone back."

"I'll give it to you after I get the photos back," Alex says casually.

Alex stretches his long legs and reaches out to grab her hand. Just as she's getting up he tugs her arm. Surprised by his sudden movement, she trips and falls into his arms.

"It's rather large at the moment," Alex says obscenely.

He reaches out and takes her waist, steadily pulling her onto his lap. As if she's just sat down on a nail, Nicole leaps up and tries to get away, but he presses her back down to his lap.

"Do you have secrets the phone?" he asks, "Why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not nervous."

"Are you sure?" he pulls her closer against his chest.

"Fine, I promise I'll take more photos. Now give me my phone back."

"Why did you delete the photos?" he asks.

"It made me happy to delete them," she says, "I could imagine deleting you from my life."

"Hmm," he says, "Maybe one day when I'm happy I'll consider giving you your phone back."

"What does your happiness have to do with me? Let me go already!"

He wants to force her to obey him, and he knows he has various methods to make her submit. She craned her neck to look at him and sees him smile cruelly. She's so angry, her lungs feel like they might explode. Seeing the outrage on her face gives him a shameless sense of pride.

"Why does he like to pick on me so much?" Nicole wonders.

Nicole lowers her head and smiles devilishly, then she bites his arm as hard as she can.

"Mm, I love your mouth," Alex says, "Do you want to bite me again?"

Despite the teeth marks on his arm he smiles and pinches her chin between his fingers. He roughly bites her rosy lips.

"You're sick," Nicole hisses.

"If I'm sick so are you," he murmured, "Think about it: you hit and bite me regularly. Are you going to bind and whip me next?"

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