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Alex doesn't want to watch the video any longer. He doesn't care what Nicole did or said after burning the dog. The point is, she cruelly burnt his beloved pet.

"Maybe Mrs. Romano has her reasons," John suggests.

He has never seen Alex so agitated, but he knows how much the dog means to alex. Alex has had the dog for ten years, and he raised him as a puppy.

"Mrs. Romano crossed the line this time," John thinks, "alex was so thoughtful when he purchased her company as a gift for her. Why would she throw his kindness in his face like that?"

"Well, we know Mrs. Ramano got hurt," John said, trying to soothe Alex, "Mrs. Romano has been behaving oddly lately and perhaps she felt the need to even the score with the dog. Maybe it's a good thing—she's about to run the the new company and that kind of aggression shows she has the right temperament for it."

Alex scowls at John.

"What the hell is the man talking about?" Alex thinks, "Surely John knows nothing about managing a Company. He just babbles on about nonsense to change the subject."

Alex drops his phone on the ground and walks to the sofa. Brownie retrieves the phone and follows Alex to the sofa, carrying the device gently in his mouth.

"Sir, Brownie picked up your phone," John says.

"I'm not blind, am I?" Alex snaps.

Alex takes the phone from Brownie's mouth. The device is covered in dog saliva and he tosses it to John to clean. John pulls a handkerchief from his pocket, but brownie snatches the phone out of his hand and takes it back to Alex.

"Give it to John," Alex commands the dog.

Brownie ignores Alex and rubs against his master's arm, the phone still in his mouth. Alex takes the handkerchief from John and uses it to remove the phone from Brownie's mouth. The surveillance video begins to play again.

"You hurt me and I need to borrow some of your hair, okay?" Nicole says coaxingly, "Don't worry. It'll grow back."

Alex stares at the phone transfixed. Nicole gently torches a small patch of fur on Brown's neck and then plucks a few strands of the burnt hair. She applies them to the scratch wounds on her arm.

"Conrad taught me to do this," she tells the dog.

She doesn't believe the superstition, but she figures it can't hurt to ward off bad luck.

John laughs out, "I can't believe Mrs. Romano believes that silly old superstition."

"Why are you laughing?" Alex snaps.

John stops immediately, "I just find Mrs. Romano's way of treating the dog rather charming and unexpected."

"I thought you just said that my wife was odd and wanted to even the score," Alex growls.

"I'm sorry, sir."

John is amazed when Alex's face broke into a huge smile.

Gaby and Mrs. Candela Romano sit in the elderly lady's sitting room. Gaby sniffles and takes a handkerchief from a servant to wipe her nose.

"Granny, Alex just gave the Baleto Hotel to Nicole," she says, "i thought he was planning to give it to me as a wedding present. How can Alex just give it to Nicole ?"

Mrs. Candela Romano is stunned by the news, "Are you sure about that?"

"Who knows what spell that woman is casting on Alex?" Granny asks, "Zuri Hotel is like alex child. I'm sure he wouldn't take it away from her if he weren't under some terrible influence."

Mrs. Romano pats Gaby on her back to console her, "Alex always has his plans. I know he won't treat you unfairly."

A servant offers Gaby a glass of water, "Here, take this, Miss Montez it has soothing honey in it."

"I have an Ace up my sleeves, Mrs. Romano says.

She overheard Alex talking with his grandfather when she carried blood pressure drugs to her husband.

" To be honest, I'm not sure anymore."

Mrs. Candela nods.

Mrs. Candela long suspected that Alex might have a soft spot for Gaby, but the overheard conversation confirmed it. She realizes her grandson cares for Gaby.

"Granny?" Gaby prompts.

"Yes, dear?" Mrs. Candela pulls herself away from her thoughts and explains, "I think Alex did it for the baby"

"For the baby thats not yet concieved? That doesn't make any—"

Mrs. Candela gives Gaby a solemn look, cutting her off.

"Tell me, dear, what would you do if Alex and Nicole would finally have a baby and not you?"

Gaby bites her lower lip and her eyes darken.

"If that were true, then I wouldn't do anything to get in the way," Gaby says, "A baby is innocent and I care deeply for Alex. I'm willing to give them a chance to be happy with each other."

As far as Gaby is concerned, her family will benefit if She marries Alex. It stings a little that Alex prefers Nicole,  but Gabriela isn't about to admit that to Mrs. Romano.

"You're so kind, Gaby. You do live up to my expectations," Mrs. Romano murmurs.

The elderly lady puts down her mug and beckons for Gaby to come nearer. She whispers something in the girl's ear, and Gaby's eyes widen.

"Are you telling me the truth about Alex wanting that woman to get pregnant?" Gaby asks, shocked.

Mrs. Romano nods determinedly.

"I suppose it makes sense," Gaby murmurs.

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