"I'll wait for the day when Alex isn't your husband then."

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"Who is it?" Nicole asks.

"Take a guess," the man says.

He shakes his head at Claire. With a blush, the woman closes her mouth and allows Nicole to guess.

Nicole reaches to pull his hands off her eyes. She feels that the fingers are long and calloused from years of hard work or exercise.

"Hunter Hestley?" she asks with disbelief.

Hunter pouts and brushes his hand through his shaggy hair, "That was too easy."

Nicole takes him in. He has long bangs that almost cover his eyes, a pointy nose, and eyes as pure as crystal. He's wearing a white shirt with a skull pendant necklace.

"Well you've finally shown up," she says, "But how did you get into the hotel?"

Hunter shoves his hands into the pockets of his torn jeans. He looks casual and masculine, like a rebel.

"I get in when I want to get in," he says, flexing his biceps.

Hunter is fit and muscular, and Nicole isn't surprised by his looks. She knows he's always been dedicated to his weights. Claire seems to be smitten with him and takes a deep breath to steady herself.

"Still trying to prove you're all muscles and no brains?" Nicole teases him.

"Sis," Hunter says, taking Nicole's shoulder, "Isn't this a nice surprise?"

Before nicole can answer, the director shouts at Hunter:

"Get over here, Hunter. It's time to start."

"Are you starring in this shoot?" Nicole asks with disbelief.

Hunter smiles mysteriously at her. Nicole hasn't heard from Hunter for a long time. She had no idea he'd become successful as an actor.

"That's my cue. How about you buy me dinner afterward?" Hunter says, walking away before Nicole can reply.

"You know Hunter?" Claire says moony-eyed, "Oh no, I forget to take a selfie with him."

"Is the actress here?" the director shouts again.

A crowd appears at the entrance to the spa. The actress is surrounded by security, make-up artists, and stylists. Though Nicole can't see the actress she recognizes the entourage from the morning. It's Gabriela.

Nicole supposes it makes sense that Gaby was scheduled to appear in the promotional footage. After all, her bestfriend Candela still owned the hotel when the commercial was planned.

Gaby sees Nicole watching her through the steam of the hot springs, and Nicole can feel the daggers hidden beneath Gabys's professional expression. Wearing a bathrobe, Gaby approaches Nicole.

"Hmm so this is your first day," Gaby says, "I look like you have to deal with a lot and Alex doesn't seem eager to give you a hand. balarto Hotel is about to become a shell and you find time to gawk at me at my shoot? Are you afraid that I won't do this job properly?"

"My husband trusts me so he gave me this hotel," Nicole says calmly, "If he's not worried, why should you be?"

Gaby sneers, "Your calm pretense might work with the staff, but we'll see how long you can keep this hotel running."

"Even if I can't, my husband will support me," Nicole says.

"I'll wait for the day when Alex isn't your husband then."

Gaby stalks away to the hot spring where the lighting and camera crews are waiting. Gaby takes off her bathrobe and slowly enters the hot spring.

The first footage shows Gaby relaxing during the hot spring with hunter holding her from behind. Steam rises from the water, and Gaby closes her eyes in comfort. She takes a deep breath and gets into the role quickly; she looks as if she's in paradise.

She cups the water with both hands and slowly pours it over her face and arms while Hunter hugged her from behind. The young couple looks sweet and natural. Soon the filming ends.

It has gone unexpectedly well. Gaby buried the hatchet and did her best on the shoot. Somehow that knowledge doesn't make Nicole feel any better.

Gaby gets out of the hot spring and an assistant wraps her in a towel. Another one holds a parasol for her. They all walk together to the dressing room but suddenly Gaby stops and glares wordlessly at Nicole.

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