Apology Accepted

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"I'm not upset that I've been unjustly blamed," Nicole says calmly, "I just don't want to be the scapegoat for someone else's crimes."

She looks accusingly at Gabriela.

"Alex, I'm telling the truth. You have to trust me," Gaby gnashes her teeth in frustration and anger.

She itches to drag Nicole out of Alex's arms and wonders when Nicole became so fearless. Alex turns a deaf ear on Gaby and stares at Nicole with the utmost depth, amazed by her incredible intelligence and risky plan.

John hurriedly enters the room followed by two maids carrying silver trays. A white cardboard box sits on top of each tray; the boxes have finger-sized holes in the top and appear completely identical. The servants place the two boxes on the table as ordered.

Nicole points to the boxes and speaks to Gaby, "If you're telling the truth, you'll be very familiar with the fragrance of the drugged purple candle. According to your story, you carried it to Alex's room. Each box contains a candle—one is the drugged, purple candle and the other is normal. I suggest you smell the two boxes and tell us which one contains the purple candle. I'll lose if you pick it accurately."

Gaby walks forward and smells the two boxes. After a brief pause, she points to one with certainty, "You're definitely going to lose. This one."

"Are you sure?"

Nicole gestures to the maid and she opens the box. The candle inside has a plain, white wick. Gaby frowns and sniffs the candle again.

"No, that's impossible," she said confidently, "I have a very sensitive sense of smell. I can't be mistaken."

"You lose, Gabriela," Nicole says.

"No, that's impossible," Gaby sniffs again, "This candle contains ambergris, musk, cypress, and borrachero, which can all function as aphrodisiacs." In her eagerness to prove herself, Gaby doesn't realize that she's said too much.

Nicole raises her eyebrows, "You know these ingredients inside and out, Gaby," she says, "Indeed, borrachero is one of the most dangerous hallucinogenic drugs in the world, and it's often used as a powerful aphrodisiac. Luckily, it's incredibly rare and you can only get it from South Africa. But you seem to be forgetting something: it's completely odorless. Your nose might be good, Gaby, but I have trouble believing it's that good."

Nicole pauses and looks meaningfully around the room, "It's interesting that Gaby already knew which aphrodisiac is in the candle, isn't it?"

Gaby looks panicked, "I...I…You..."

Gaby can't believe that she's risen to Nicole's bait and betrayed herself. She staggers backward. Her plan to disgrace Nicole has completely failed and she has lost control of the situation. Unexpectedly, Nicole has dominated. Worst of all, Alex continues to hold Nicole in his arms.

Anxious and afraid, Gaby tries to backtrack "I just heard about the drug from—"

"Who did you possibly hear it from?" Nicole asks, "Only Alex and David knew which drug was in the candle and they didn't tell anyone."

Gaby doesn't know how to answer the question. She never planned for things to go this way. She assumed Nicole was an easy target; she never expected her to fight back or out-scheme her.

Gaby bursts into tears and kneels in front of Mrs. Candela , "Mrs. Romano, I didn't know anything about borrachero. I only heard that people use it to ease the tension , and I was so nervous I—"

Mrs. Romano tenderly pats her back, "Don't cry. It's not a big deal. As you said, many couples use it only to ease their nerves or increase their pleasure. I know you couldn't possibly want to hurt Alex. Come on, sweet girl, stand up."

Nicole can't believe that Mrs. Candela is forgiving Gabriela so easily. The woman wanted to punish her harshly for drugging Alex but she's consoling Gabriela for doing the same thing.

Nicole untangles herself from Alex's grasp and stands up.

"I was just told that anyone who breaks the family rules must be punished," she says, "Gabriela may be a distinguished guest, but surely that doesn't mean she's above the laws of the family and the country. Isn't that right, Mr. Romano?"

Alex frowns unpleasantly. Moments ago Nicole was meek and affectionate in his lap, but suddenly she has resumed her distant and arrogant tone. Hearing her call him "Mr. Romano," so indifferently makes his heart pound. He will not let her go so easily again.

Gabriela's eyes glint with anger, but she doesn't dare to say anything. She understands that she's powerless now; Nicole has won Alex's support and the upper-hand. She grinds her teeth in hatred.

Nicole walks toward Gabriela, "As children, we were always taught to correct our mistakes immediately. Even a three-year-old child will apologize when he's wrong. Will you apologize to me, Gabriela?"


Gabriela bites her lower lip and stares at Alex piteously. Tears stream down her face and her delicate frame shake with barely suppressed sobs. Alex gives her an emotionless, indifferent look, "Apologize to her!."

"I—I'm sorry."

Nicole accepts the apology and graciously offers to help Gabriela stand.

"Since you've been so sincere, I'll tell you a secret," she says.

Nicole lifts the candle from the table and gives it a small shake. The white wick magically changes to purple.

"Indeed, you were right. You picked the purple candle. I asked Alex to dye it temporarily."

Gabriela is beside herself, "How dare you trick me?"

Nicole smiles, "I may have tricked you, but you betrayed yourself, Gabriieela."

Gaby wants to scream. She wants to slap the smug smile off Nicole's face and rip the hair from her head. She takes a deep breath to steady herself; Alex and Mrs. Candela are watching and she can't afford to give in to her emotions. She still has to play the part of a well-mannered lady.

"You only have yourself to blame, Gabria," Nicole looks at her, "I didn't interfere in your attempts to seduce Alex, but you got what you wanted from him all the same. Just try not to use drugs next time, okay?"

Gaby groans and crumples into a faint. Mrs. Candela catches her and eases her to the floor. Gently, she checks her pulse.

"Call the doctor," she orders.

Then she turns to Nicole and points at her, "As for you, Nicole…"

Nicole gives her grandmother-in-law a brief, supercilious look. The old woman almost sputters with rage, "Alex, just look at her disrespectful attitude!"

Alex grabs Nicole's wrist and forcefully turns her to face him. He glares at her and she stares back defiantly.

"I will drive your family crazy if you don't agree to get divorced. And this much stress can't be good for your grandmother's health," she threatens in a mock whisper, "You still have time to change your mind."

Alex knows she means what she says. A few days ago, he never would have believed she was capable of causing so much discord, but the new Nicole is determined and resourceful. He wonders what else she may be planning.

He grabs her by the waist and says loudly, "You've been talking nonsense. Are you still half-asleep?"

Then he tightens his grasp and pulls her into a restraining embrace.

"What kind of punishment do you want?" he whispers.

His face is so pale with anger that Mrs. Romano almost pities Nicole.

"In the past, Alex never intervened when I rebuked Nicole. It seemed strange that he interfered today, but now I see he wants to punish her himself," she thinks, "It's about time, she's been allowed to run wild for too long."

Satisfied with Nicole's fate, Mrs.Romano turns her attention to reviving Gabh. Meanwhile, Alex glances at Lily who is still trembling on the floor.

"You know what to do with her," he says.

John nods and he and the maids drag Lily from the room. She begs for mercy, and her terrified screams echo down the long hall.

The Love Affair(Good Wife Better Mistress)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang