Medical Examination

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Alex smiles with satisfaction and releases her ear. Hearing that there's nothing between her and Conrad has instantly improved his mood. He strokes her earlobe with his fingers, satisfied that he's found a new and effective way of making her tell the truth.

It turns out her ears are incredibly sensitive, and he feels as if he's just discovered a valuable secret. As he kneads her earlobe, he watches her face flush a gorgeous color. She probably has no idea how enticing she looks. Her tempting rosy complexion makes him almost erect, and his lips feel dry.

He regrets that he spent his time having an affair and thinking of her as a business transction forced on him by his grandfather. He was so rebellious that he refused to Love even respect her. Throughout that time she was as meek and docile as a sheep and he barely took note of her existence.

Then one day she lost their babies and she stood tall and defiantly demanded a divorce. She was like a small female leopard exposing sharp claws for the first time, captivating him. From that moment, he found himself overwhelmed by the urge to touch and hold her.

As he gazes at her flushed face, he reminds himself that she's still sick. He's afraid that if he doesn't let her go soon, he'll be unable to stop himself from having s.e.x with her. He worries that he'll hurt her, and it's the first time that he's been concerned about the feelings of a woman.

The warm water steams as it pours over their heads and catches the light like luminous diamonds. Nicole pushes him away and says in a harsh tone, "leave me ! I'll shower myself."

Alex doesn't object. He releases her and grabs a towel, rubbing his hair dry as he leaves the bathroom. Nicole doesn't know if it's because she's still ill or if it's because she's in a confined space, but she feels suffocated and claustrophobic. Her discomfort eases as Alex leaves.

She quickly strips off her clothes and lowers herself into the tub. As the warm water enwraps her frozen body she utters an indescribable sigh of relief.

In the other room, alex wraps himself in a robe and heads to the study. John follows him, carrying a small plastic bag which he puts on the desk.

"Mr. Romano, Dr. senior Walter said this is for you."

Evan glances at the bag. It contains a small box labeled "folic acid." Dr. snr Walter has prescribed the supplement to help Nicole prepare for pregnancy. Suddenly recalling medicine, Alex takes a small brown bottle from his pocket and pinches it between his fingers. He can faintly see a special mark used by the Meyer family on the brown glass.

"Is Dr. snr Walter still here?" he asks.

"He left just now. Shall I get him to come back?"

He nods and John runs from the room to chase down Dr. snr Walter. Upon entering the study, he sees is staring at a delicate glass bottle which looks different from the average pill bottle. Though the glass is tinted it becomes transparent and clear under the light as if it were a work of art.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Romano?" Dr. Walter snr asks.

"Contact the director of St. Meyer Hospital to arrange for a medical examination for Nicole tomorrow."

Dr. Walter snr hesitates. He knows that Conrad came to the manor in the evening, and he knows that Conrad is the reason St. Meyer Hospital has become so popular. If the celebrities and nobility in the city want to make an appointment with him, they typically have to wait for a long time.

In the evening, Conrad personally examined Nicole and said that she was too weak to get pregnant and needs to be nursed with great care for three to six months. Conrad's diagnosis sounds exhaustive and accurate, but now Alex wants to go around him and ask his father to reexamine her.

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