Wife Falls

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Monday morning I drove myself to work for the first time since before I got married. John or someone else has always driven me. Sometimes I wondered why Alex even bought me a car, let alone 2 of them.
I got in before Karen, and emailed her to clear my schedule from noon on...I would not be available after lunch for any reason. I have to be to Philip's office at 12:30 and the meeting is scheduled for 1:00. My babies have been doing flips since I got up this morning, and few minutes ago I threw up my toast and tea that I had for breakfast earlier. I'm not looking forward to this meeting one bit, but I'm anxious for it to be over. These past 3 days have been a bitch for sure. I told Phillip about Alex's visit Sunday morning, so he is having a restraining order drawn up and hopes have it ready by this afternoon during our meeting.

12:00 rolls around and I shut down my laptop and tell karen I am leaving. She can tell something is wrong but is smart enough to not ask what. Chanel calls as I am driving, and asks if I need her there for support. I tell her no, but to be ready to come over later and be armed with lots of Chocolate's. She laughs and said she will be there with a box of chocolate's, a box of Kleenex and boxes of Chinese takeout.
I pull into the parking garage at Philip's office and take a deep breath before getting out of my car. He had me park in his private spot in case Alex was waiting to ambush me. He also had a security guard waiting to escort me to his office.
Phillip has me take a seat in his office while we wait for Alex and his attorney to arrive. We briefly discuss everything we have gone over the past few days. The restraining order hasn't come back yet so if need be he will have Alex served at RG if it isn't ready by the time we are done here.
His secretary comes in and tells us know that Alex and his attorney have arrived and are waiting in the conference room.
I take a deep breath and we walk out of his office and into the conference room.
I walk in and stare Alex right in the eyes, and his eyes are bloodshot from either lack of sleep or crying, or both. I sit next to Phillip and wait for him to take the lead.

He starts speaking and says that it is my wish that this matter be settled in private here today. "My client's petition for divorce is based on Mr. Romano's infidelity, and because of his infidelity she is unwilling to continue in their marriage. As both parties are aware, there is no Pre-nuptial agreement in place, which means my client is entitled to half of Mr. Romano's assets. However, my client is not interested in any part of Mr. Romano's assets. Nicole Groups was gifted to my client by Mr. Romano on their first wedding anniversary...the deed is solely in her name. All my client is asking for in her petition is Nicole Groups , her personal possessions, which still remain in their home, and her 2 vehicles, and Audi R8 and Saab 9-3. She is also demanding that the CPO security on her cease immediately, as well as any forms of surveillance, cyber or electronic tracking ,hacking, or monitoring of any her personal accounts such as phone, email bank accounts, etc.…"
Alex's lawyer is in shock. He can't believe I am not asking for half of Akex's billions or any of his properties around the world.
Alex finally speaks "I don't care what Nicole is or is not asking for. I don't want a divorce. I will never sign the papers". He turns to me "Nicole can't we talk about this? Can we take some time and see if we can work this out-Counseling, anything?" He pleads.

I look him right in the eyes "No Alex. We cannot work this out. You know how I feel about cheating. I made it perfectly clear before we got married. And don't forget that you vowed to be faithful to me...remember our wedding? You were there…" I snarled at him. That pissed him off. He hates sarcasm.

He pounded his fist on the table and shouted "Goddammit Nicole. I fucked up. I know I did. I made a mistake. You will never know how sorry I am. Don't do this. Don't throw us away because I'm an idiot. Please give me a chance to make this up to you, to prove to you and our babies how much I love you. I know what I did is unforgivable, but please baby, let me fix this."
I stared right at him and simply said "No."
That's a word Alexandro Romano is not used to hearing. Nobody tells Alex  no. But I just did. I could tell he was waiting for me to say more but I just sat there staring at him.

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