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Gabriela emerges from the darkness and blocks Nicole's path back to the house. Nicole frowns slightly, wondering what Gabriela is up to.

"Miss Montez, what's the matter?" she asks.

"How sweet of you to see Dr. Conrad off at the gate," Gaby says, "You seemed reluctant to part from him—the two of you made such a touching picture!"

Nicole crosses her arms; she refuses to tolerate Gabriela's scheming. Nicole has no patience Gabriela after the other woman tried to frame her for drugging the candle.

"You eavesdropped on us?"

"Do I need to eavesdrop? It's obvious what's happening: you're both adulterers!" Gabriela says, "Dr. Conrad came to visit you under the guise of giving medical advice to Mr. Romano, and you cooked his favorite dish for dinner. You're both shameless—conducting your affair in Alex's own home!"

Gabria gives Nicole a smug, condescending glare.

"Sure, whatever you think," Nicole says dismissively, "Now if you'll please excuse me."

Nicole isn't in the mood to waste time with Gabriela. She wants to try to persuade Romano to expedite the divorce, and she knows that timing is everything. The news that she's unfit for pregnancy has shocked and upset him, and she may be able to use his outrage in her favor. Nicole tries to pass Gabriela but the other woman blocks her path—weaving left and right so Nicole can't get past her.

"So you're the woman Dr. Conrad was talking about," Gabriela says, enjoying herself, "Is that why you saw him off—after his sad confession at dinner, you wanted to reassure him and pledge your love? What would happen if Alex knew about your adulterous relationship with Dr. Conrad? Do you still think he'd still take your side if he knew you were a cheater?"

"Frankly, I don't care," Nicole says, "You can go ask him if you want to know."

Nicole smooths her windblown hair. Though Gabriela is half a head shorter than her, she blocks her path with an imposing manner. Nicole is unintimidated. She looks at Gabriela with mild amusement, as if she finds the other woman a joke. This infuriates Gabriela.

Gabriela flushes with anger, "You think I won't tell Alex, but I will. Do you think he'll take your side again, Nicole? You think you've beaten me, but you don't even know who the real competition is. Alex is deeply in love with Me, You're just a substitute and, to be frank, a vulgar sex toy."

Nicole stares coldly at Gabriela. Gabriela acts like a polished upper-class woman in the company, but in private she shows her true colors. Though Gabriela's information isn't a surprise it does make Nicole uncomfortable in a way she can't quite explain to herself.

"So what?" Nicole says lightly, "I'm still better than someone who desperately wants to be a toy but can't even arouse Alex's interest."

"You little—" Gabriela grabs Nicole's hair in anger, "How can you act so confident and unapologetic when you're cheating on Alex?"

Nicole slaps Gabriela across the face with a swift backhand. Shocked, Gabriela lets go of Nicole's hair and raises her hand to cover her face. She looks ridiculous, frozen in a pose of astonishment and self-defense. She can't believe that Nicole has just hit her.

"In the last few days, Nicole has changed dramatically," Gabriela thinks, "Though she's been bolder ever since announcing the divorce, she's been almost fearless since this morning. Ever since Alex took her side she's been like a woman reborn."

In the past, Nicole was too meek to defend herself against everyones bullying tactics. When Gabriela deliberately fell down the stairs and blamed Nicole, she seemed unable to say a word in her defense. Gabriela thinks about the rumors she's heard in the last few days and Dr. Conrad's announcement that Nicole is unfit to bear children.

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