Their Lives In His Hands

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A silver-gray Aston Martin drives into a dense jungle and stops in front of a group villa, The buildings are designed in the unique Southeast Asian architectural style with sharp, pointed roofs made of black tiles and white stones. The high iron gate in front of the buildings is decorated with mysterious and magnificent patterns.

A butler in a white uniform waits outside to open the car doors for the distinguished guests. When the car door opens, the butler sees a man wearing sunglasses sitting in the driver's seat. The man stands lazily and exits the car.

"Welcome, Mr. Conrad," says the butler.

Chanel nervously gets up from the passenger seat. Though Chanel has known Conrad for six years, she has never seen him so angry—this is the first time she's ever seen this dark side of his. She swings one leg out of the car but immediately recoils in fear. A snake slithers toward the car, sticking its long tongue out as it moves. chanel screams. She pulls her leg back into the car and wraps her arms around herself.

"Why are you so timid?" Conrad mocks, "Are you really Nicole Romano's Friend? Your friend is so bold and wise, but you are so timid."

" Conrad, there's a snake," Chanel whispers fearfully.

Conrad turns to look in the direction Chanel points, and his eyes widen. He sees a snake with a black pattern on its back slithering across the ground after descending from a palm tree. The snake suddenly changes directions and moves toward Conrad, but Conrad reacts calmly. He leans down and grabs the snake by its head. Then he whispers something to the animal and places it back in the palm tree. Chanel is so scared that her face has turned pale and her whole body is shaking.

"Get out of the car," Conrad orders impatiently.

Chanel shakes her head stubbornly. She was afraid of the snake, and now she's scared that there may be a snake nest in the yard so she's even more terrified that others might appear.

If you don't get out of the car now, you'll have to walk to the house all by yourself," Conrad threatens.

Chanel knows that Conrad is her best protection against snakes. Reluctantly, she swings one leg and then the other out of the car. Anxiously, she follows Conrad down the path and toward the villa.

As soon as they near the front door, the strong smell of perfume overpowers them. Several women in bikinis swarm out of the front door, smiling and exclaiming.

"Mr. Conrad you've come back!" they say delightedly.

Chanel is shocked to see the women fawn over him so blatantly, and she feels very scared her heart is beating like crazy.

It takes the women several minutes to notice Chanel, who is unintentionally still cowering behind Conrad. When they do, they nudge each other and make sour expressions

"Oh my God!" they exclaim, "Mr. Conrad, you've changed. You never like this kind of woman before. You used to be so selective about the type of woman who could be seen with you."

Chanel knows that women are talking about her, and she can feel their eyes boring into her. She steps forward and tries to square her shoulders. Her face turned red and she tries to force a smile.

"He-hello, I'm Mr. Conrad's special friend," Chanel says quietly.

"Oh, you're the special friend," one woman says coldly, "But why are you wearing that type of dress? Have you just been to a grand party?"

"You just like a naughty child who dresses up in her mother's finery," says another, "You must be a Nicole's bestfriend."

Chanel has nothing to say in response. Fortunately for her, none of the women are particularly interested in her. Instead, they interested in meeting the famous Nicole and they cl.u.s.ter around Conrad, stroking his arm and striking seductive poses.

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