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In the bedroom, Nicole wakes from a fitful sleep. The door is open to allow fresh air to circulate, and she vaguely hears the conversation between Gabriela and Alex in the study next door.

The words swirl in her sleepish mind.

"Is there something wrong with me?."

"I'm just not interested in you any more."

"And what about Nicole?"

"Don't speak to me about Nicole."

"I know that Nicole will be forced to divorce you if she doesn't bear an heir within 6 months marriage.Am I right?"

Their voices grate on her, and she frowns annoyed that they've disrupted her sleep. But slowly, her mind begins to work. So Gabriela is ready to fall pregnant with alex's baby. That's surprising.this woman has no shame, she is begging to for love.gabriela is young and beautiful but she is ready to put her self respect on the line and opt to be a mistress to alexandro —no one would thought she is this desperate .

She vaguely recalls meeting Gabriela once. how she used her beauty in a petty and flirtatious way, how did Karen be friends with someone like this because seemed to be a true beauty. She was generous, and humble, and carried herself with quiet and gentle grace.

"Gabriela is turning like my polar opposite," Nicole thinks with a smirk.

She shakes herself mentally—it's none of her business what Alex thinks about Gabriela. According to Gabriela, Alex has to divorce her if she doesn't produce an heir. All she has to do is avoid getting pregnant for the next six months, and she can finally leave the Romano family.

Satisfied with her imminent divorce, she relaxes into the pillows. But then thought begins to bother her. If Alex doesn't kick gabby out, why is he trying to thwart her divorce plans? He's such a strange man.

She tries to put the thought out of her mind."Go get my clothes, will you?"

Nicole shrugs to herself. Maybe Gabriela is the type of woman who's willing to forgive a powerful man like Alex for loving other women. And anyway, Alex doesn't love her; he's only interested in using her body.

Nicole looks through her clothing and decides on a relaxed blue ensemble. Wearing clothing that looks like pajamas are in style, and her outfit looks like it's been taken off the cover of a magazine. With her messy hair and casual outfit, she looks effortlessly chic and s.e.xy.

"Is dinner ready?" she asks.

"Not yet. Mr. Romano said that you could ask the chef to make whatever you like ."

"There's no need. I'll cook for myself."

The servant looks at Nicole in amazement but doesn't dare to object. Nicole always used to complain that the kitchen smelled like smoke and grease. Now she says she wants to cook her own dinner. The maid can't figure out what's going on with her.

Nicole stretches lazily, and the casual move reveals a lithe beauty. She yawns and then heads downstairs to the kitchen.

No one ever taught Nicole how to cook or do chores but lately she's been cooking a lot. The Newman family always had maids and cooks to do things for them, and Nicole's education was dedicated to making her a suitable wife for a powerful man.

"I'll do it, Mrs. Romano," the cook says hurriedly upon realizing that Nicole intends to cook. She'd lose her job if found out his wife was cooking for herself.

"It's fine," Nicole insists, "I want to do it."

Nicole places a large pot of water to boil on the stove and begins to prepare the sauce. As she cooks, she sends several pictures on her facebook and captions them, "Guess what's cooking!"

The Love Affair(Good Wife Better Mistress)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz