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Chanel rushes in, holding a cell phone. Startled by Nicole's visit at conrad's house, Chanel quickly holds the phone behind her back like a guilty child trying to hide something. Nicole frowns at Chanel's panicked expression. "What's wrong with you are you okay?" Nicole asks. "Where's Conrad?"

"He's upstairs," Chanel answers. She takes a deep breath before she continues, "Anyway, I've given much thought to what Alexandro has been saying and i agree that we should stop meeting until you divorce him or maybe until he finally agrees to our friendship, she lies. she cannot put her friends life at risk if she continues meeting her.she remembers conrad's words, and she's agreed to escort Nicole to him . but she loves her more than her life she would rather have her with Alexandro than the pyschopath Conrad."

"No, thanks," Nicole says coldly. "we've been friends since childhood no man will ever come between us chanel, I love you so much I'd do anything for hell with Alexandro and his demands ."

Chanel gapes at her in shock. "please listen to me Nicole just stay away from me am not a good friend for you!" Chanel protests, "Please do this one thing for me."

Nicole looks critically at Chanel, trying to understand the other woman's mind. She didn't expect Chanel to be so eager to follow Alexandro's orders , but she can't figure out why Chanel is so Scared all of a sudden. Did Alexandro threaten her after our lunch, what happened to chanel all of a sudden? Nicole wonders, Or is she just scared for me and the baby that Alex might hurt us?

"You really want me to go, don't you?" Nicole asks.

"You were the one who insisted on going back to the man that never wanted me in your life," Chanel replies with obvious exasperation. "I planned everything for you, and you changed your mind? You should know it is not easy for me to always hide everytime we meet."

Nicole bites her lip. She knows she doesn't really have a choice. Chanel has made up her mind , but she can't walk away from there friendship like this or even give up on it because of Alexandro's threats . There's no guarantee that Alexandro would kill you just because of me he will not be able to do that to me he knows you mean the world to me. "Since you want me to leave so badly, I guess I'll do it," Nicole says with a sad face.

The electronic ding of a new message interrupts the tense silence in the study. Chanel looks at Nicole nervously. Nicole is leaning against the French window as if she owns the place.

"Aren't you going to check that?" Nicole asks.

Chanel lowers her head and quickly glances at the screen of her cell phone. The text is only four words long, but it sends a jolt down her spine. She keeps her head lowered, and hopes Nicole can't see the expression on her face. She takes a deep breath and rereads the four words. Then she deletes the message and looks up.

She jumps with shock—Nicole is standing right in front of her. Chanel's hands shake. She thinks, How the hell did she get over here so quietly?

"Shaky hands?" Nicole asked, raising her eyebrows. "Looks like you need magnesium and calcium supplements."

Chanel shoves her phone back in her pocket as Nicole strides past her and exits the study. Chanel breathes weakly. There's no way she could have seen the message. The words were too small, Chanel thinks. No, she definitely didn't see it. There's no way she could have remained so calm if she had.

Chanel takes another deep breath and whispers the message out loud, "One corpse, two lives."

Nicole exits the study and climbs the stairs to the third floor to meet Conrad before she leaves. As she walks, she looks over the railing at the servants below. They're cl.u.s.tered in the hallway, carrying baskets filled with dark berries. She stops a servant rushing down the stairs to help the others. "why so many berries, where are you taking them ?" she asks.

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