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gaby comes bustling out of the changing room. "What's going on Alex?" she asks with mock concern, "A bunch of your guards just entered the changing room and said they were looking for Nicole. I was already looking for her, and I swear she's not in there."

Alex looks even more enraged.

"Let's go," he says, already striding across the lobby.

John scurries behind him, unsure of what to say or how to console his boss. "Are you returning home, Alex?" gaby asks.

Alex nods curtly in response.

"Can I ride back with you? I'm not sure where my driver went," Gaby explains.

Alex says nothing, so gaby continues to follow him. The chauffeur pulls the car up to the hotel entrance and Alex gets in the passenger seat without so much as a look at Gaby. she lets herself into the car and sits in the spacious back seat. She's never been in Alex's car before and she takes a minute to assess her surroundings. The black leather on the seats is quite soft and luxurious, and a well-stocked mini bar gleams in the corner.

Suddenly, a delicate velvet box draws her eye. The velvet is pink and the box looks like it contains jewelry. gabriela burns with curiosity. It's obviously a gift, but she wonders who it's for Nicole.

Quickly, Gabriela glances at the passenger seat. The partition is down, but Alex is on the phone. He barely seems to realize she's there. With a sudden decisive movement, she grabs the box and examined it more closely. A hand-written gift tag dangles from a

Gabriela examines the tag. The script is elegant but masculine, and the words almost take her breath away: "If you fall in love with me, I will be with you for life."

Her heart pounds as she opens the box, and it almost stops when she sees the pink diamond ring. The huge stone has been cut and set perfectly—every angle gleams and refracts dazzling pink light. Gaby can only imagine how much a large, rare diamond like that costs.

Jealousy arises in the pit of her stomach. The thought that Alex wants to give such a gorgeous and valuable ring to another woman makes her want to scream. She can't bear the thought of the perfect ring on another woman's finger—even if that woman is his wife .

Before she could stop herself, she slid it onto the ring finger of her left hand. She can dozens of ways she can use the ring to her advantage, but she's terrified of what will happen if Alex catches another one of her schemes. He's already unhappy with her, and she can't risk alienating him even further.

Still, she's unwilling to lose an opportunity. Chances like this don't present themselves every day. She looks at the ring on her hands with a vicious, hungry gleam in her eyes. She wiggles her fingers in the light and enjoys the way the light dances across the back of the car. She takes out her phone and snaps a few photos of the ring on her finger, and then she guiltily puts the ring back into the box.

Alex is talking intently on the phone, and he takes no notice of Gaby. After speaking to his security team and bodyguards he calls Nicole. When she doesn't answer he calls her again. And again.

"Damn it! She's the only woman in the world who won't rush to take my calls," he thinks, "I warned her not to ignore me!"

Alex's phone rings and he answers it eagerly. His face falls when he realizes it's not Nicole, but John.

"Mr. Romanp, I've managed to track Nicole's location," John says, "According to the GPS on her phone, she's still at the hotel. In fact, it seems like she's still in the dressing room."

"Turn around," Alex orders.

The tires squeal on the pavement car makes a sharp turn, throwing Gaby against the door. When she realizes that they're heading back to the hotel, the color drains from her face.

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