His True Face

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Walking towards the coffee shop nearby to meet Chanel for a quick lunch Nicole is on cloud nine. Rummaging through her black bag to find her phone to call Alexandr she doesn't notice a man is following her.Walking into the coffee shop Nicole immediately notices Chanel. She orders a coffee and croissant before walking over to Chanel. She sits down and exhales.

"look at your breasts they are so big"

Chanel says anxiously. Nicole looks at Chanel blushing and smiling before answering.

"it's the pregnancy. i have gained so much also. Chanel you have no idea how my body has changed . baby Romano is the best. I love her"

"Nicole, I am so happy for you"

Chanel says jumping over to Nicole and hugging her.

"But something happened. I heard you exhale"

Chanel eyes Nicole suspiciously. Nicole´s face turns red.

"Alexandro still doesn't want me to meet you. Well actually, here i am meeting my bestfriend. who is so beautiful. So hot"

"Ha ha ha ha, Nicole! He will come around you know Alexandro, he can be crazy and possessive, let alone saying your meeting me "

"Oh Chanel you have no idea. He is so possessive lately. he also hates the thought of me meeting conrad"

"Well you do you blame him such a beautiful wife, i'd feel inscure also.but conrad has been our friend and he would never crush on you so he should relax maybe..."

Chanel doesn´t finish the sentence because Nicole cuts her off.

"I don´t think so. conrad has changed i feel like Alexandro is right at times, i no longer feel the synergy i did before he acts very different "

Nicole says turning her face down, looking at her fingers.

"Oh Nicole, you have no idea how hot you are. ANY guy, would be lucky to have a chance with you"

"Thanks Chanel, but I don´t see conrad in that way . Besides he is my bestfriend and if there is something I have learned it´s that i love Alexandro no matter how hard i keep lying to myself "

"Ha ha ha ha ha you are killing me. Bestfriend?! Seriously, babe you have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe he doesn't see you in that..."

Nicole cuts chanel off again with a glare before whispering

"Shut up Chanel. I can´t believe how loud you are. You´re killing me"

Nicole sits back in the chair sipping on her coffee and enjoying her croissant. Her thoughts drift away to the perfect man she Married. His toned body, I could see every muscle . His dark  hair, those eyes. God and those lips, I would love to kiss those lips. Touch his body day and night. What the hell am I thinking. Snap out of it Nicole.

later that day at Conrad's place

Chanel got home and found conrad sitting in the couch and smiled at her smugly remember lastnight you asked me to help you as he tossed the pictures down on the coffee table between them and grinned even more as she frowned and picked up one of the photos and looked at it. Her expression blank as she looked at the photo of herself and Mr Romano Snr kissing at last years new years party, which was about a month ago.

Chanel's eyes blinked after a second or so before she set the picture down on the coffee table and resisted the urge to burn them all to ashes as she looked back up at Conrad's smiling face.

God he looked happy with himself. The sick fuck.

"And your showing these to me why?"

He laughed, the sound meant to make her afraid. It didn't. She had lost her ability to feel fear because she was so disappointed at herself for not believing that everyone was right about conrad. He was just too pathetic to fear. "I was wondering why you were keeping these pictures hidden from everyone." It was a lie. She knew it as much as she knew that she would have to be careful of what she said or else everyone would see the pictures.

And the last thing she needed was for people to start hounding her about it after she had built such a respectable reputation as a 'good girl'.

She leaned back in her seat and crossed her legs and her arms and stared at him. "Because those pictures aren't anyone's business. Especially yours. Tell me Conrad, how long did it take for you to sniff them out after breaking into my home ? An hour? Two?" She doubted that it had taken him less that four hours since she had had the pictures hidden in a small box in a little hole in the closet of her bedroom, behind a large wooden chest.

It was a place that only she should have known about. Just like the stuff she kept in the human sized opening under her floor boards, hidden under her bed. Conrad's smile faltered a little bit and he looked warningly at her.

"I think you hid them away because your afraid of what others will think, if they saw these-" Conrad said as he picked one up and looked at it for a second.

"It's a picture of me getting kissed, Conrad. There is nothing scandalous about this. Now if your done-" Chanel said as she started to get up.

Conrad made a humming sound. "Really? Is that all anyone will see if they see these pictures? Or will they see chanel begging for someones cock like a whore?" Chanel froze and gave him a funny look that quickly morphed into a dark one.

Chanel was not amused by his comment.

How he could manage to see something so disturbing from something so innocent was beyond her. Chanel gave her a malicious smile. "I could show these to Nicole Romano. I could ruin your friensship Unless..."

Chanel narrowed her brown eyes at Conrad. "Unless what?" She bit out from between clenched teeth. Conrad grinned at her again. "Unless you can persuade me to keep quiet, that is."

She narrowed her eyes at him and stood up. Her hands opening and closing at her sides as she glared at him. "How?" She asked, her voice dangerously low. If he said one more stupid thing she was going to shove a Knife so far up his ass that he would be spitting out metal and blood every time he opened his mouth.

"Get me Nicole Romano, here in front of me."

"Why? What for?"

Conrad's hands went to the front of his pants and he deftly unbuttoned them then pulled down his zipper and pulled out his dick. Chanel flushed and stared at him in shock. He was kidding right? He didn't honestly expect her too-

"I want you to get me Nicole so that i can satisfy my sexual desires."

She shuddered in revulsion. "Ew. No."

"Do it or your Reputation will be ruined and your dreams of ever living your dream and being respected will die by dawn tomorrow and you know how your bestfriend hates mistresses." Conrad said warningly as he put his dick back to his pants and moved just a step closer to her.

Chanel got up out of the chair that she had been sitting in and walked over to Conrad and very calmly grasped his wrist and shaked it. He took this as a sign that she was going to do what he told her too, because he smiled evilly at her and said. "Make sure to do a good job. I have been waiting for nicole for a very long time."

Chanel cried she didn't believe what just happened after the  confrontation with Conrad.

She ran a shaky hand through her mid back length ash blond hair and SIGHED low in her throat. she hated that shifty eyed son of a bitch! He hadn't been like this or he was pretending this whole time to be there protector against Alexandro.

Why? Why was he so fucking fixated on trying to ruin Nicole? She had done nothing to him but save his life time and time again.

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