Bonus Chapter

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(This chapter is to clarify how Alexandro and Nicole didn't get a divorce.)

A divorce between Nicole and her husband is a serious business for their families; the marriage was carefully arranged to reinforce the families' elite social status and a divorce could prove disastrous. From the day she was born, Nicole Newman was instilled with the knowledge that her only purpose in life was to marry one of the Romano men. Like the three other Newman girls, she had to excel in fine arts, piano, horseback riding, literature, and French among other subjects fitting with her status as a future Mrs. Romano.

As every elite family knows, the Newman family has unparalleled power in both government and private business. The Family Marriage guarantees an easy, luxurious life with endless wealth. Five years ago, the upper-class girls in the city fought to gain Mr. and Mrs. Romano's approval and permission to marry their son. Every important family encouraged their daughters to gain the Romanos' favor, hoping to secure an alliance with a powerful family. Nicole prevailed because she came from a wealthy family and her wedding was as spectacular and prominent as a royal wedding.

"A divorce?" The Patriarch of the Romano family asks.

He finally stands up from the sofa and his long shadow falls on Alex and Nicole. The maids grabbed her arms and forced her to stay still and watch him approach step by step like a phantom. His commanding presence intensifies as he comes nearer.

He grabs Alex's jaw in a viselike grip and he trembles at his strength.

"So you cheated on Nicolette and caused her to lose the babies because you were stupid and reckless," he says, "It's a pity that I can't hit you . Maybe i should strip you of everything Alex?"

Alex and nicole the will be no divorce between the two of you?

Nicole laughs, "there's no need to preserve this sham marriage. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Romano?"

Nicole's attitude, neither respectful nor groveling, makes the maids gasp. No one ever talks to Senior Romano in such an insolent manner. Mrs. Romano really must be crazy to speak to him that way. The maids hold her arms harder ready to escort her out of the room.

Before Alex can respond the butler barges in, flustered and out of breath, "Mr. Romano Senior. It's Mrs. Romano. She leaked the news about the divorce and the press is swarming the front gate."

Alex narrows his eyes and his face becomes dangerous. The woman standing in front of him looks up at him, her gaze fearless and proud. He can't see a single trace of her past obsession with him. Concern and love have been replaced with contempt and loathing.


Alex smiled blandly at the butler and gives his wife a threatening look. She gazes back, her eyes fiery and intense like a fierce panther preparing to pounce on its prey.

This woman has changed

Senior Romano loosens his grip on Alex's jaw and orders, "Open the gate and invite them in. We'll give them a great welcome. After all, I have some news to announce

You brought them here," he whispers, "I hope you'll be able to endure the consequences."

Nicole smiles calmly and feels the maids tighten their grasp on her arms. They do live up to their rigorous training; they always seem able to read their boss's mind.

One of the maids releases her grip on Nicole's arm and offers Alex a golden tray with an embroidered, white silk handkerchief. Instead of taking the handkerchief to wipe his fingers, he ignores the maid and stares at Nicole with the utmost depth.

You already have another woman in your life," she says, "You should be happy about this divorce. I had good intentions inviting the press here to announce the news. It will be like a rehearsal for the announcement of your second glorious marriage."

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