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Brownie cries out, and rubs his head against the back of Nicole's hand. The fur makes her skin itch and she smiles in spite of herself.

"Alright, I'll open it," she stays to the dog, "Just stay away from me."

Carefully she lifts the box, hoping to keep Brownie's fur off the delicate velvet. She opens the box and instantly pink light dazzles her.

"Wow, it's a ring!" Sarah exclaims.

Sarah can't help but marvel at it; she has never seen such a big diamond before. Brownie leaps in the air and scratches the carpet with his sharp claws to express his excitement. Nicole purses her lips in confusion.

"What is Gabriela's ring doing in this box?" Nicole wonders, "Did she return it? Are there two identical rings? If there are two rings and one is for Nicole, who is the second for?"

Nicole reads the message inscribed on the lid of the box and feels a sinking feeling in her stomach. It's obvious that Alex wants to express his unwavering love for the recipient.

"Mrs. Romano, try it on," Sarah urges.

She thinks that the ring is a perfect match for Nicole. Rationally, she has her doubts about the ring, and she knows she shouldn't be encouraging Nicole to wear something that might not have been meant for her. Somehow, the ring looks as if it just needs to be on the ring finger of her left hand. Hesitantly, Nicole slides the ring onto her finger. It sparkles on her hand. It seems to be made for her.

"It's so beautiful, it really suits you!" Sarah says, "Mr. Romano must want to give it to you."

Nicole sighs and looks at the ring refracting light on her finger. She has to admit that it is quite beautiful—if only Gabriela didn't have the same ring. Nicole smooths her dress and straightened her shoulders. She places the velvet box back into the gift bag, but keeps the ring on her finger.

The sun shines on the grass, and the breeze blows gently making the pink balloons flutter and sway. A caravan of luxurious cars arrive at the estate's gates, creating a spectacular scene. The guests step out of their cars dressed in their finest suits and gowns, and strut towards the house as if they're on the red carpet. Each guest carries an ornately wrapped box or bag, and they all deposit them on a large table in the yard. 

The long dining table on the lawn practically groans under the weight of all the food and drink. A small stage sits next to the house, decorated with large photos of Gabriela. Pink balloons and bouquets adorn everything. Every detail seems to indicate that the Romano family favors Gabriela.

"Gaby, come here," Mrs. Candela Romano calls, "This is Mrs. Powell from the Powell Group."

Mrs. Romano introduces Gabriela to the influential and famous people around her. The guests smile politely as Mrs. Candela Romano flatters and praises Gabriela, and then they follow her lead.

"Miss Montez you're even more beautiful and graceful in person," Mrs. Powell says, "It's no wonder so many famous people admire you."

"Thank you, Mrs. Powell," Gabriela says with a charming smile, "It's too kind of you."

"We all look forward to hearing the good news about you and Alexandro," Mrs. Powell said with a knowing smile.

Gabriela shyly lowers her head, "Alexandro and I are just friends."

"Well, we all know that Alexandro and Nicole are going to get divorced," Mrs. Powell says, "I just want you to know that we're all on your side."

"Cheers, Mrs. Powell," Gabriela says sweetly.

The Love Affair(Good Wife Better Mistress)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα