Divorce Paper's

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I will definitely need to have some security upgrades done to the apartment, so this morning I finally broke down and … I needed to be able to communicate with my lawyer  without Alexandro having frank track my every move, call, and text, and hack my emails as well. Iset up a new email accounts to which Me and my attorney have access.

Phillip, my attorney called me about 11:00 and he had the papers ready so he brought them over for me to sign; adultery was listed as the reason for divorce. All I wanted was my company , since I had built it into what it is now, and my personal effects that were still in our home. Since Alexandro had gifted Nicole groups to me on our first anniversary Phillip said there was nothing he could do to prevent me from keeping it. We don't have a Pre-Nup, and even though I am entitled to half of everything of Alexandro's, I don't want anything —unlike all of his whores, I was never with him for his wealth. My salary as CEO at Nicole groups is more than enough to comfortably support me…I don't want or need the extravagant lifestyle anymore that I have lived for the last  years.

Phillip said he would have someone waiting in the garage at the mansion to serve Alexandro when he arrived this afternoon. I told him Alexandro should be there between 2:15 and 2:30
Alex texted me just before 1:00 that they were taking off, so I waited a few minutes and texted Reynolds that there was a change of plans, and that I was not feeling well and that John was going to bring me home from Boeing Airfield, and for him to just go to Home. He responded back that he was on his way there now.

My nerves are bouncing all over the place and I feel like I am going to throw up. In just a couple hours all hell is going to break loose. I asked Chanel to stay with me at the apartment because I know Alex will go thermonuclear when he receives the papers. I switched off my Iphone and laptop so he couldn't track it, but I know Alex's stalking abilities, and it will only be a matter of time before he finds out where I am. I was thinking about going to Monte, but I didn't want to put my family through the shit storm that is coming.
Chanel wanted to hide in the garage at our home so she could watch the show, but I told her I would feel better if she stayed here with me…I know Alexandro's temper, and if he saw her I don't know what he would do to her.

Since my phone was turned off he wouldn't be able to call me, but in the divorce papers there is a "No Contact" clause that states that any requests for contact with me must go through my attorney, and if Alex attempts to contact me directly I can request a restraining order be issued to him. That's going to piss him off for sure.
It's now 2:30...Alex should be home any time. Phillip's process server said he would text me as soon as the papers were served.
10 minutes later my burn phone buzzes with a text: "Done."
I look towards the mansion and half expect to see a mushroom cloud in the sky...

About an hour later my burn phone rings and I see that it is Phillip. Here we go. "Hello Phillip. What do we know?" He chuckles first then "Well, your very angry husband has been screaming at me for the past 30 minutes and is demanding to speak with you and demanding that I tell him where you are. I suggested that he calm down so we could schedule a meeting at my office so you could discuss the divorce papers. He informed me that there would be no divorce...he made it perfectly clear that he will never sign the papers; that this is all a big misunderstanding."

How could tying up and fucking some whore be a misunderstanding? I wonder to myself…

"Are you ready to meet with him, or do you want to wait a few days?"
"I think it would be best to put it off for a few days and give him a chance to calm down. How did he react to the No Contact clause?"
"Not well. He informed me that nobody was going to keep him from seeing or talking to you. I believe he has his security guy tracking your whereabouts now. I informed him that if he shows up and threatens or tries to intimidate you in any way that we won't hesitate on filing a restraining order against him. Are you safe at chanel's apartment, or do you want me to send a car for you and get you a hotel room under my firms name?" I think for a minute "I'll be fine. I had the locks changed earlier and cameras and an alarm system is being installed as we speak. Chanel is here with me, and he won't dare try anything with Chanel here."
"OK. I will call him back and schedule a meeting at my office for Monday afternoon. That will give him a few days to calm down and talk to his lawyer. Is that OK with you?" "Yes. That will be fine…let me know what time to be there. Thank you for everything."

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