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The servants are quick and beat Nicole with their hands and feet. She's outnumbered and weak from the aphrodisiac and the cold bath, so she lets them take her. They drag her through the house and into Mrs. Candela's sitting room. Someone pushes her from behind and she falls to her knees at Mrs. Candela's feet. The tastefully patterned wool carpet rubs against her bare legs.

She turns around and glares ferociously at Maureen . Over the years, Mrs. Candela has disciplined Nicole many times. Indifferent, Alex always turned a blind eye to his grandmother's beatings. Mrs. Candela's housekeeper, Maureen, has always been more than eager to help with Nicole's punishments.

"Mrs. Candela, Miss Montez, Nicole is here," Maureen announces.

"Get the whip," Candela orders.

The tightly tied ropes around her arms and legs prevent Nicole from breaking free. Defeated, she stops struggling and kneels on the floor.

"I had no idea you liked me so much, Mrs. Romano," she sasses, "You just saw me this morning, but you missed me so much you wanted to see me again."

"Miss you? Don't be ridiculous," Candela scoffs, "Don't you dare think that I can't discipline you just because Alex has suddenly gone soft."

Mrs. Candela rises and begins to pace the room. Gaby hurries to follow her, sneaking gloating looks at Nicole.

"Nicoe, apologize before Granny gets serious. She may show you some leniency that way."

"Apologize?" Nicole sneers, "I'm not the one who should be punished for what happened last night and this morning."

Mrs. Candela takes the whip offered to her by Maureen.

"You think you're here because of this morning?" she says, "No. I heard that you dared to fight against Alex when he tried to punish you."

"Why shouldn't I fight back?" Nicole demands, "It's ridiculous. I'm alive human being, not some dog you all can kick."

"You stabbed a needle into his heart and made him blackout!" Candela rages.

"It was self-defense."

"Who taught you to use self-defense against your husband? You disgusting, rude thing. God forbid anything ever happens to Alex, you wouldn't be able to afford the consequences even if you had ten lives!"

As she speaks she becomes even more enraged and she begins to whip Nicole.

"Mrs. Romano!" Gaby raises her hand to stop her, "Let Maureen do it. Whipping is tiring."

Gaby flashes a wicked smile at Nicole, and Nicole understands her intentions perfectly. Though she's strong for her age, Mrs. Romano can't hit her hard. Maureen, on the other hand, is strong from years of laboring in the Romano house. Nicole can see Gaby's desire for revenge.

Although Nicole is fastened with ropes, she writhes like a flexible mermaid and turns to look at Maureen.

"Mrs. Maureen, I'd appreciate it if you whip me in the back," she says, "I have interviews with journalists from two newspapers. I'm to meet them in a halter top, and I already promised to pose for some photos."

Maureen pauses, with the whip half-raised. She looks to Mrs. Romano for guidance. Mrs. Romano looks questioningly at Gaby.

Gaby glares at Nicole ferociously and lowers her voice, "Mrs. Romano, I know nothing about any interviews."

Mrs. Romano regards Nicole warily, "What game are you playing now?"

"When did Nicole become so unpredictable?" Candela thinks, "She's so different from the woman who meekly accepted every punishment in the past. Did her Miscarriage somehow shock her into a personality change?"

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