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Raidyn made way to her room, trying to take a nap. It was Wednesday night and she would need all the energy for the club. She laid on the bed, her eyes wide open as she stared at the ceiling. Thinking of how close she had been to him today. How nice he could be sometimes. She could see his blue eyes, and the way he licked his lips when he talked.

She sighed, closing her eyes, one single tear slid down the side of her face.

He'll never go for you, not when Mia is in the picture. You're such a fat ass.

She ran her hand over her stomach, squeezing it with anger. She got up and stood in front of the mirror, staring at herself and the pudge in her stomach. She sucked it in and then out. She huffed and headed to the bathroom.


Nick walked around with phone in hand "Yeah Spanish music, I'm with that. I'd be glad to come. I'll pick you guys up at eight. Alright bye" he closed his phone and double stepped up to the stairs. Whistling happily he made his way into his room, looking around the place, it looked so clean and organized. He smiled remembering Raidyn, her thick legs, her fullness and her warm smile she always gave him. He had to admit to himself that he was more attracted to her than Mia.

"Why the fuck is this so complicated!" he asked himself as he hopped into the shower.


Later that evening she awoke to the delicious smell of enchiladas. Closing her eyes and imagining the plate of food, she held her stomach. Two days had gone by, there was one more according to the diet plan on the internet. Out of her drawer she took out a white bottle and dropped three pills into her hand. She popped them in her mouth hearing her stomach growl aggressively.

"Hey lazy" She jumped at the sound of Mia's voice, "Your mom asked if you're going to eat" Hearing her stomach growl again, Raidyn smiled and nodded

"I'm not hungry. I ate a sandwich earlier." She lied.

"You're not hungry? Uh not to be nosy but I haven't seen you eat food since yesterday." Mia looked at Raidyn with concern "Is everything alright with you?"

Is everything ok? You hogging all the men in the world is not ok. I'm FAT!! Ugh!

"I'm not hungry. I do eat, just here and there." She inspected Mia, it was rare when she found herself wanting to be like her. Tonight was one of those nights. Why couldn't god have given her a small frame?

"Actually you do have a really weird eating habit. Anyways let's get ready to party tonight." Mia said, closing the bedroom door and turning to rummage through the closet. "So what are you gonna wear tonight. I was thinking of this.'' She pulled out a dress that looked like it had been chewed up by the neighbor's dog.

Raidyn scrunched her nose with disgust "What the hell is that thing? It looks half made and you will show all your ASS-ets with that. Let me guess that's the beauty of it."


Mia giggled at Raidyn "That's the point especially because Nick is coming"

Raidyn faked a smile.

When I told him to ask I didn't mean specifically tonight. Plus I was hoping he wouldn't. Where's the Nyquil, I heard you can overdose on that shit. MOM!

"Oh" nothing else could come out of her mouth. She frowned realizing she had given him the idea to get to know Mia himself and he was just taking up the opportunity

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