Loss of Face

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Saturday evening, Mia twisted Raidyn's hair into floppy curls that fell over her shoulders. "Your going to look hot tonight." Mia teased, taking a seat on the bedside. Her eyes were suddenly welling up. She missed the dates, the kisses, being wanted. Her old self.

"Are you alright?" Raidyn asked with a concerned look on her face, as she pulled on a pair of black tights "You constantly look like you're going to burst into tears'' she pulled on her Henley, fixed the strap to her heels and they walked down the hall.

"I'm fine...I just haven't had much luck with men lately." she stated with a crooked smile as they both took a seat on the sofa. The ringing of the phone made them jump and she answered. "Hello...ok I'll tell her. Bye" she smiled.

"He's outside!" she informed hugging Raidyn out of the blue. "Be good" she whispered then yelled "USE PROTECTION...PLEASE!" as she headed to the bedroom.

Nick gasped as he watched Raidyn step out, she was looking great, but he could see the uncertainty in her face. He hated that about her, if only she could see what he and many others saw in her. She opened the door and sunk into her seat, she turned to look at him. His expression scared her "I look horrible, Mia told me..." she blushed and looked away.

"Uh...actually the opposite. I'm fighting the urge to jump you right now." he smiled, making her smile. He caressed her cheek with his thumb as he pressed his lips against hers. "You look great baby..." he revved the engine to the Mustang and they headed to their date.

The drive was silent, only the radio playing softly. Raidyn fiddled with her fingers nervously, she didn't know what she expected. She glimpsed over at Nick, who saw her from the corner of his eye and smirked.

"So where are we headed?" she asked, clearing her throat.

He placed his hand on her leg "Just calm down, I'm not going to do anything to you. I thought we would hang out at my house tonight. AJ, Beth, Angel and Chris went out clubbing so we have the place to ourselves." he wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

"ha...ha...very funny!"

"I tried..." he hopped out and before she could get out he was at her side. He took her hand and helped her out, his arms were around her waist instantly. She hugged him and rested her head on his shoulder as they walked into the house.

A nice aroma drifted through the house of rice, cheese and chicken. "Umm...it smells good." she smiled. "Let me guess...enchiladas?"

Nick laughed "Wow! How did you know?"

"My mom is a pro at making them, I just skip them all the time." she smiled weakly.

He smiled and led her out to the patio, the tiki lamps flickered with the breeze and in the middle of the patio sat a small round table with a white tablecloth, a red candle in the center, two wine glasses and two plates. He walked her over, snickering at the surprise in her eyes.

"Well they aren't your moms, but Claudia is a good cook and you can't skip them tonight." he pulled out her chair and she took a seat.

"Alright" she smiled.

He nodded and put out his finger "Be right back" he took the plates and disappeared into the kitchen. A couple of minutes later he came out with the food and placed the plates on the table.

Raidyn blushed, she was dreading having to eat in front of him. It was rare when they ate together and if they did, she mostly pushed her food around. Oh shit! Ok just eat slow, push around your food. Wouldn't it look more ridiculous if you don't eat, you didn't get big, by NOT eating. EAT! As she took small bites of the delicious food, she could feel Nick's eyes on her.

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