Almost Goodbye

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The next morning Raidyn awoke to a bubbly stomach, a pounding headache and extremely dry mouth. She sat up slowly, the room spinning out of control, the big black dog snoring next to her. Good going Ray, you REALLY did it this time. I can't believe this...she looked at the couch, Nick slept all twisted up, one leg dangling from the sofa and the other on the backrest, his head slightly hanging off too. If he were to move, he could probably tumble down. She giggled imagining him all startled as he hit the floor, sluggishly she dragged herself to the bathroom.

Nick awoke to the sound of the bathroom faucet running, he noticed Raidyn was out of bed. He groaned as he stretched out, slightly losing his balance, but quickly sitting up right. He was hoping she had some justification for her show last night. He quickly walked out to the hallway and into the other bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing his face. He passed by the closet grabbing a clean shirt and a pair of sweats and changed.

Raidyn ran her fingers through her tangled hair and straightened out her work shirt. What are you going to say? The truth is, I did nothing wrong...I just got a ride, because I was so drunk and he picked me up...haha he picked me up. That we won't mention! She blushed and smiled into the mirror as she recalled the embarrassing incident. Then she suddenly remembered Nick's insult and tears threatened to spill. She stepped out cautiously and walked over to the bed.

"Hey..." Nick's hoarse voice made her jump "You were going to leave without even giving me an that you are sober?"

She rolled her eyes, putting on her sneakers "I have nothing to explain to you can think whatever you want." She quickly tied her shoes and got up.

Nick stood in front of her "You're my girlfriend Ray...I have a right to know why the fuck you came here passed out drunk in the back of that asshole's truck. I want to know now!" he grabbed her wrist tightly. "I'm waiting."

Raidyn glared at him "Are you going to tell me who Tiffany is? Who the hell answered your cell phone, when I called to let you know where and with who I was and that I was running late."

"I have no idea who the hell answered the phone ok. Tiffany is one of my good friends. That is all...we were just talking while I waited for my girlfriend to appear." He pursed his lips in anger. "So what was that little thing you did with him? Huh?'' His voice was full of jealousy.

"Nothing, he helped me out of the restaurant and then gave us a ride, cause I couldn't drive. Look Nick ..." she paused, his look was full of concern, and for an instant she just wanted to kiss him. "You can't do this...because I found out he's my boss."

His mouth dropped slightly and he nodded forcefully "Oh have to quit...I'm not having you near him. No way!"

"I'm not going to quit...I don't even like him, Nick. If I have to trust in you, then you have to trust in me. Which I see that you don't, I'm not the one that fucks anything that bends over..." she walked out of the room.

He followed her angrily "That is a fucked up thing to say...I've changed for you Ray. I'm just asking you to quit."

They entered the living room, unaware of Mia sitting at the breakfast bar she had danced on the night before, eating a bowl of cereal and intrigued by the conversation.

"I'm not quitting and stop being so macho..."

He placed his hands on his side, huffing impatiently at Raidyn "Fine, either you quit or we are over Ray?" he furrowed his eyebrows, believing that he had won the battle.

She smiled "If that is the way you want it...goodbye Nick..." she took the keys to the Mustang "You can pick it up later" she waltzed out of the house and jumped into the car burning rubber out of the driveway.

Ray of HopeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz