Falling Away

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Raidyn sat her knees against her chest watching as the waves played tug a war and the strongest wave overpowered the smaller one. She still wasn't comfortable with the water, and didn't think she would ever be. Nick had tried a couple of times, but she couldn't help herself from freaking out.

"Hey there..." Mia slowly maneuvered herself and her belly to sit next to Raidyn. "I'm so out of breath." she giggled holding herself up, with her arms behind her.

Raidyn smiled at an out of breath Mia "You're so ready for those kids to be out...aren't you, you poor thing." She rubbed her belly and let out a sigh. "Imagine how cramped up Emily and Daniel feel?"

"I feel no sympathy for them...I'm the one waddling around, while they are cozy inside of me" she rolled her eyes and looked out to the distance "I made my decision Ray...I think it's the best one I'll ever make."

Raidyn turned to look at her "You're giving them up? You're going to tell me aren't you?" she pushed on, while Mia ignored her. "Mia! I want to know, so that I can be prepared...don't you realize that these are YOUR kids."

"Please don't start with your lectures, you'll know with time what I'm deciding. So how are you and Nick? I heard you guys arguing the other day."

"Oh...you heard huh? It's not a big deal...he just wants me to go to his parent's dumb ball and I don't really want to go. I mean look how things turned out last time?" she let out a sigh.

Mia rolled her eyes again "Maybe they got the point that you are who Nick wants to be, regardless of them accepting it or not. You look great, you've dropped a dress size or two I'm sure of it. Listen, Raidyn..."

"Uh huh!" She turned to look at Mia.

"You've started that thing again haven't you? I heard you this morning when I went to look for you...Ray...you decided not to do the whole training with Nick and he's been doing it for almost a month and a half and we both know that it's working for him. I don't understand why you didn't try it out, instead of continuing on that horrible..."

Raidny huffed, "I don't know what you're talking about?" She stood up, knowing that it would take Mia longer to follow her "I'm fine, I didn't want to go, because you know that none of that shit works for me. Plus I didn't want to embarrass him there...ok. Just stay out of my business Mia...please." she began to walk away.

"You keep acting like that and you'll push him away Ray. Is that what you want to do?" she continued to holler as Raidyn kept walking towards the house.


Nick walked the brunette to her car, he couldn't help but set his eyes on her butt, as she walked a couple of feet in front of him. Her pink boy shorts exposed, more than enough to not have to use his imagination.

"Well this is my car" she chuckled, looking up at him with her emerald eyes, and a wide smile. "You know, Tim said that you have a girlfriend that didn't want to take part in this program, that's too bad." she smiled again.

He was confused, it didn't seem like a flirtatious smile, just a genuine one. "Oh yeah, she is a little heavier than most girls so..." he processed the words coming out of his mouth as he looked her over again.

It was the first time in a very long time, he was questioning himself about Raidyn. She was always so mind bent on making it obvious she was bigger, that she didn't look as good, even when he showed her that, it didn't matter to him. Lately he found himself thinking that there were so many hot girls out there, not that he didn't think his Ray was...almost perfect, at least to him. But just looking over the brunette, made him wish to be alone again. "Uh...she doesn't feel comfortable."

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