The Kiss

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"Why is it so hard for you to...just kiss me?" Raidyn whispered.

"I'm not falling for this again." Nick snapped and stood up.

"What are you talking about? Why are you acting like I did something terrible? I only did...what you would have ended up doing, anyway. I saved you the trouble."

Nick clenched his jaw and pointed a finger at her, "You didn't have the right--"

"You can truly admit that you weren't already giving up on us? That you wouldn't have found it easier to just leave?" Nick looked around the house. She had a point. Their relationship had been going nowhere, but he hadn't gotten as far as deciding to leave it all. "I knew that you would be able to go on without me. That you would adjust." She bit the corner of her lip. "I on the other hand...wouldn't have been able to cope with you leaving me."

His anger had dissipated and now he felt confused and torn by the sorrow in Raidyn's eyes. "Leaving you wasn't in my plans at that time, Ray. Plus, you left because you thought I had been lying to you that whole time. When deep down you knew that Mia had just thrown the big news at me too. You didn't give me a chance to explain anything."

Raidyn rolled her eyes, "What the hell was I supposed to think? First you screwed her while we were all hanging out together, then I found you guys at the doctor's office...and then it turns out you ARE the father. I have to be wasn't just that which made me leave. It was my father and mother, the unhappiness I felt towards myself. I couldn't handle everything. I just couldn't."

"I wanna understand that Ray. Listen, I'm not sure where we are trying to get with all this!" Nick looked deep into her eyes. He wasn't really sure what he read in them...confusion.

She shook her head and let out a nervous laugh. "I'm not sure either, Nick. Maybe, what we need is just closure. I just want you to know how I feel. Why I did what I did."

Adam and Ernie appeared from around the corner and they quickly came to a halt. They were both flushed with embarrassment for interrupting the conversation.

"Sorry to interrupt," Adam looked over at Nick and then Raidyn, "but everyone is starting to leave. I thought...but...I'll just wait outside."

Raidyn gave him a warm smile and a nod, ", I'll catch up with you guys right now."

They both walked off leaving the twosome alone in silence again.

Nick's stomach was in knots; he knew what he had to do. What he had to say. It seemed like the right thing at the moment, even if tomorrow he'd be kicking himself for doing it.

He licked his lips and pulled Ray in for a tight hug. He spoke softly into her ear, "Ray, let's just cut the crap. I know you are sorry and I forgive you. I'm sorry too, for everything. I hope that you forgive me."

Raidyn pulled back and looked up at Nick. "Of course I do!"

"Good! I want you to be happy and seeing you tonight...made me realize your happiness..." Nick tightened his grip on her. "is with Adam. When you guys are together you are always smiling and you look so happy. I had a crap load of people ask me if he was your new boyfriend. Ouch!"


"Don't try to deny it anymore. I think it happened a while just didn't want to accept it. Well, I accept it now. So should you." He looked down at the floor and felt his body sway lightly.

Raidyn bit her lip and smiled, "Nick, I'm still in love with you. I can feel it in my heart."

He let out a heavy sigh and placed a kiss on her cheek, "I think you should go."

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