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It had been a very long day, besides tolerating a whispering and giggling, BJ and Melanie. She had to avoid Jane's abrupt comments and the force of her blue eyes staring her down. The night was breezy and the waves were crashing aggressively against each other, she was trying to walk as far from the house as she could along with Iggy. Once she felt a good distance she took a seat, away from the water and Iggy settled on his belly with a grunt.

I wonder if I just run in there I will drown instantly, or the ocean will confuse me with one of its inhabitants like a whale or something. she laughed at herself as her eyes filled with tears. Why am I even letting them get to me, people have always been this way. Am I seriously this horrible? She looked down at herself and pinched her stomach. I guess so...I wonder if Nick really likes me the way I am. UGH! Stop it!

"Hey there..." the husky voice broke her concentration, she looked up at the familiar brown eyes.

"Oh hey AJ...what brings you out here?" she asked, letting out a sigh. And making circles in the sand.

He plopped next to her and stretched out resting himself on his elbows. "My mom and my future wife. Man, when those two get together all they can do is talk about that damn wedding. It kinda makes me sick." he sighed looking into the distance.

"I thought you wanted to get married?" she looked at him as he looked at her and they smiled.

AJ just sat up and began to pick at the sand "Can I tell you something...but you have to promise not to tell a soul." he looked at her.

She nodded "Alright! I won't tell anyone." Then she looked next to her at Iggy who looked up with his ears raised. "Well Iggy will know too, but he wont tell anyone either." she chuckled, scratching his head.

He let out a sigh "I don't want to get married to that nagging bitch. She drives me up the wall. We used to have a good relationship, but I cheated on her with Mia. That killed it all and well there are other reasons...but I can't say them out loud." he ran his hand over his face. "We all have our secrets right?" he mumbled, joining Ray with the circle making.

"Yeah I guess we do AJ." She thought about her secret and Mia's, then wondered if Nick had one. She rolled her eyes at herself "Uh...Mia loves you, you know. There isn't a day that she doesn't just burst into tears, wondering why you just up and left. She really wanted them to be yours..." Raidyn shrugged "Do you feel anything for her? Just a little bit of something?" for a second only the waves were heard as she let him take his time to answer.

"RAY!" they both turned as they heard the voice in the distance, Mia was waddling her way towards them.

AJ smiled as he watched her "Yeah! I do...I love her, but I have a big obstacle between us and I can't turn my back on it. So I have to turn my back on her. If she knows that I love her, it will only make her suffer more."

Raidyn looked up at him a little shocked by the confession "I'm surprised you're even having this conversation with me AJ Mclean. Your were one of all the people that didn't want me with Nick." she giggled.

He chuckled "You're not so bad Raidyn...and I know that Nick loves you. He's just a bit of an idiot...all men are. Bear with us! Not to mention that his family is very manipulative. Well I've gotta go...but, please don't tell her what I said." he stood up, dusted himself off and headed back to his house, just as Mia approached Raidyn.

"Well...I guess he can't even stand to look at me huh?" Mia pouted as she watched him walk away.

Raidyn stood up and wrapped an arm over Mia's shoulder and smiled "You'd be surprised Mia...come on, let me guess that the beloved Jane wants me back home to torture me?" They began to walk back.

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