it finally happened

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Warnings: -

Your world fell apart when you understood what the doctor told you when you were 18.You weren't capable to become pregnant.The most beautiful part of a womans life.Everytime you think about it,a little tear drops down to the floor.You can't even discribe the feeling.It is horrible,the most when you and your partner want to be pregnant and try your best,but nothing works.

You and Lando had been talking about how amazing it would be to become parents.You bouth were ready,eventhough Lando had his F1 carrer and you your model carrer.You both don't want to stop doing what you love,but a little baby wouldn't be a problem.You would find a solution for both of you.

You were in a relationship with Lando since the age of 18.It's been 6 years and you both want to do that one big step.You saw how Landos eyes sparkled when he was able to spend time with your little baby nephew or his brothers daughter Mila.He loves kids and can't stop talking about them,when he is arround you.

Lando knew about your problem,but he motivated you to never give up.There is always a chance,that we don't believe in.We just had to try and hope for the best.Deep inside my heart I believed that it could be possible,I mean a lot of woman get pregnant and have a healthy babe,eventhough they got told that it is impossible.

You always wanted to have a little copy of yourself.Spend time with them and love them with your whole heart.A little girl or boy,It didn't matter,just a baby.The thought of going shopping for it with Lando,buying little pretty toys and just so many more things.Heartwarming.

You were about to take your sixth pregnancy test.You sat down on the toilet,holding your head in your hands.You were hopeless.You didn't believe in your body.5 minutes later you looked at the test,that you were holding in your hands.Negative.Fuck.

With the sixth test you lost your hope completely.You walked out of the bathroom to see Lando sitting on the bed.As soon as he saw you he stood up.

-"Hey honey,how is it?",he slowly placed his hands arround your waist.You couldn't hold it and restes your head on his shoulder starting to cry.He nooded and rested his head on top of yours.

-"Shhhh,babe we just have to be patient.We will be lucky one day.I promise."

-"Don't promise something that you don't know.We will never have the luck Lando.All because of me!"

-"Babe don't say that.I believe in you!"

It was two months since you took your last pregnancy test.You didn't really wanted to take a seventh,but Lando forced you to.You knew it would be negative and just a waste of money.Lando had a good feeling about today.He just hoped,that the test turns out positive.He sat on the bed and waited for his beautiful girlfriend.

You sat down at the toilet once again.You just wanted to forget about the baby,but Lando keept talking about it.You looked at the wall,waiting for the results of the test.Those 5 minutes you always have to wait are the most stressfull for both of you.When you took your first test,you almost fainted while waiting.

You looked at the test,knowing that it would be negative.Positive.You looked at the test once again,not believing what you saw.You were so shocked,that you took a second one,before you could start to be happy.Positive.You looked into the mirrow and smilled wide,while a tear left your eye.You walked out of the bathroom and looked at Lando.As always he stood up and waited for your answer.

-"And how is it?"

-"Lan,I'm pregnant!We are pregnant!Shit!No way!"

-"What?You are?!We are going to be parents!I am going to be a fucking dad!I love you so much!I told you it would happen one day.

You decided to not share anything on social media,to the moment where it would be visible.The first thing you both did was calling Landos parents.

-"Mom,Dad we have some news!"

-"I am pregnant!",I laughed.

-"What,no way!Y/n sweetie I am so proud of you!Proud of you both.I am going to be a grandma!"

-"And I am going to be a granddad!",Landos father cried out.

We talked with them for some more minutes.When we ended the call,we bouth took a hot bath and went to sleep.We couldn'd even decribe our feelings.

16 weeks later...

Your belly started to grow more and more.You could notice the changes in your body.You and Lando decided to bring the news out,when you would find out the gender of the baby.

Today you would find out the gender of the baby.You were so excited,both of you.You walked into the doctors office and took a seat.Seconds later your name got called and you walked into the room.

-"So,the baby is 100% healthy.Everything looks amazing.We can also tell the gender!Would you like to know?",the doctor asked.

-"Yes we would live to!",I answerd.

-"So it is going to be a little healthy boy!"

-"He is going to be just like daddy!",I laughed.

Lando just laughed and cried at once.His dreams came true and your ofcourse to.Lando and you posted a picture of you smilling and holding your belly.Under the post you wrote "We are happy to tell everyone,that Y/n is pregnant.She is carrying our little son Liam!"

7 months later...

Being pregnant is something amazing but so painfull.You weren't able to sleep comfortable since 2 months.Your back was killing you.Your legs to weak to walk sometimes.Lando knew how sometimes you just wanted to lay in bed because of the pain,that you were experiencing.But he was so proud and happy.

You just gave birth.Tears all over your face.Sweat everywhere.It was the most painfull thing,that you ever experienced,but so worth it!When you saw you little son,you started to ball your eyes out.You loved him with your whole heart.It was your little wonder.Lando was so proud of you.He couldn't even imagine how much it hurted.At some point of your loud screaming and crying,he himself started to cry.

Lando slowly and carefully picked up your son.Wispering sweet nothings into his ear.You just layed exhausted in pain on the bed,enjoying the moment.Your eyes lit up when you saw how Lando looked at him.How he talked to him,nowing he didn't understand anything.

Four days later you returned back home.You just wanted to sit down and enjoy the moment.You left all the stuff you had with yourself on the floor.Lying down on the couch,holding your son in your arms.His tiny head resting on your shoulder.Seconds later Lando joined you both,carefully sitting down next to you,placing his arms arround your shoulders,pulling you closer.

-"I love you so much Y/n and I am so proud of you!"

-"I love you both!My boys!"

1 week later...

You heard the door bell ringing.Lando walked up to the door and opened it to see Carlos and his girlfriend Rebecca standing outside,with a basket full of baby stuff and some flowers for you.

-"Hey mate!Good to see you!",he greeted his best friend.When he finished greeting Carlos,he hugged Rebecca.

-"How does it feel to be a dad,yea?",Carlos laughed.

You carefully stood up,placing Liam in his little bed,not wanting to wake him up.

-"Hii,Becca!Missed you a lot!",you hugged your bestie tight.Then did the same as Lando did with Rebecca,you hugged Carlos.

You all sat down on the couch in the big living room drinking some coffee and tea.You slowly picked up Liam and introduced your guest to him.Lando and you decided that Carlos should be the Godfathed of Liam.You knew Carlos since kindergarden and Lando was bestfriends with Carlos.You placed Liam on Carlos chest.Carlos softly placed his hands on the tiny back of his Godson.He smiled and just held him for some minutes.He was so happy to be a Godfather.You all talked about random stuff and decided that they should stay over for a movie night and that they could stay in our guest room.We had an amazing night.

Motivated to write guys!Will definitely upload something tomorrow aswell!

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