surprise vlog

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Warnings: -

You decided that today would be the perfect day to do a randome vlog for your fans.You didn't really have time for filming since you got so many requests for shows and shootings.Your job and your boyfriend Lando were the two only things that you cared the most about,so they were always on first place.

You just arrived back in Monaco.You had to travel to Madrid for a shooting.You were so happy to finally see Lando again,but he didn't even knew that you were back,because the shooting didn't take as long as it was supposed to be.You didn't tell Lando anything,because you wanted to surprise him.

You were now in your car and decided to start the vlog.

-"Hello everybody!We are in my car currently.I just arrived back from the shooting for miumiu in Madrid and I have planned to surprise Lando.He doesn't know anything yet,his trainer Jon is going to be at his in one hour and that means that they will train in the garden and I had the brilliant idea to scare the shit out of them.It won't probably work,but we will give it a try,but first of all let's get some coffee.",you said,in the same second in which you drove into the starbucks drive in.You ordered your coffee and drove away.

-"Guys,let's call Lando and see what he is doing.",you took your phone out and called him.

-"What's up babe?",he happily asked.

-"Hey,everything's fine what about you?"

-"Yeah,also fine,we are about to start the training,so I can't really talk right now babe!I will call you back when we are finished!",he assured you.

-"That's totally fine,I'll see you later!"

You both ended the call and about 40 minutes later you arrived at your shared appartment.You got out of thr car and quietly closed the door,so they wouldn't hear.

-"So guys,we need to be quiet as possible.I finally arrived and I have planned to scare them and that's what we are going to do now.I don't really have a idea on how to do it,but I will try my best."

You placed the camera on the floor and took a big breath,while looking at the camera,almost dying,you couldn't get a breath because of all the laughing.

You walked into the garden and grabbed the water hose as quiet as possible,then you took the camera and placed it that way,that everyone could see what was going on.You turned the water on and sprayed both of them wet.Lando immediately turned arround and when he saw you his smile grew bigger.Jon on the other side looked pissed,but you knew,that he secretly did enjoy it.

-"Your back?",Lando hugged you tightly.In that moment it didn't even matter to you,that he was getting you wet with his clothes.

-"I missed you so much Lan!"

-"I missed you too Y/n!"

You walked over to Jon and smiled at him innocently.You knew that he also missed you a little bit.You both understood eachother really well and he is also your trainer after all.You opened you arms and also hugged him.

-"Anyways I have a surprise for you guys!",you walked to the spot,where you placed the camera,you took it and showed the boys on the screen.

-"Say hi to my vlog!",you winked.

After Lando finished his training,he decided to do nothing and just spend some time with you.

-"What are you up to babe?",he questioned you.

-"Honestly,nothing.I just want to be in bed with you and watch something.I am tired of all the travelling today."

-"Perfect,then let's get you into something more comfortable,hm?",he picked you up and placed his hands on your ass,so he wouldn't drop you.

You wrapped your arms arround his neck and chuckled into it.You both walked into the big closet with your clothes.Lando picked out a way to big hoodie for you and pulled it over your head.He pulled your hair out of the soft material and cupped your cheeks,he then placed a loving kiss on your forehead and hugged you tightly.

-"I missed you babe.",he wispered into your ear.

-"I missed you too Lan.",you wispered back.

The both of you walked into your shared bedroom.Lando sat down at the edge of the bed and looked at his phone.

-"Are you hungry muppet?Do you want to order anything?"

-"We can order something if you like!",you sat down right next to him.

-"What do you think about ordering a pizza?",he asked.

-"Perfect with me!Can we order a margarita?"

Lando ordered the pizza.In the meanwhile you both decided to go to bed and pick a movie to watch.You laid between his legs and he was stroking your hair in a relaxing way.40 minutes later thr pizza arrived and you walked to the door to get it,Lando gave you his credit card to pay.

You both ate the pizza and decided to go to sleep.You snuggled yourself into Landos arms,he wrapped his arms arround your body,pulling you closer to him.He placed a kiss on your forehead and wispered something into your ear.

-"Good night sweetheart."

-"Good night Lan."

A cute little one!

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