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Warnings: -

Ofcourse it had to happen.The winter break has just started and Lando was already in a bad condition.He had cought the flu and wasn't looking great.You both packed your stuff together to leave Abu Dhabi to your shared appartment in Monaco.

-"Are you ready to leave babe?",he asked with a harsh voice,you could clearly hear that he was about to die.

-"I am and you?How are you feeling?",you asked in worry.

-"Could be better,but I'm fine!",he gave your forehead a small kiss.

-"Lan,don't lie to me.It is about your health!"

-"Babe,I will be fine!"

-"Promise me that you will let me take care of you at home."

-"I will Y/n.",he gave you a warming smile.

You closed your suitcases and checked the hotel room if you didn't forget anything.You unplucked Landos and your phone and placed them in your bag.Lando took your bags and placed them outside your room,so the service could take them to the car.You closed the door and left to the reception.

-"Thank you for choosing our hotel.It was a pleasure to have you both here!Have a safe flight home!",the lady at the desk said.

-"Thank you,we will definitely return here!",you smiled while Lando was taking some pictures with the fans that were waiting for him at the hotel entrance.

-"Lan,I will be waiting in the car,be carefull.",you patted his shoulder and walked to the car.

About 5 minutes later Lando returned to the car and closed the door.You both got driven to the airport,where luckily not many fans were waiting for Lando.He didn't stop to take pictures or sign anything,he just excused everyone and walked straight to the huge building,while holding your hand.You could see that he was exhausted and just wanted to rest.You were really worried about his condition.

You both checked in and left you luggage,so it could get transported to the airplane.You then did the rest of the neccesary airport things and waited for the plane to arrive.While you were waiting Lando was almost falling asleep in his seat.

The plane arrived and we made our way to the entrance of it.We sat down at in our seats and waited for the plane to take off.Once it did Lando immediately closed his eyes and fell asleep on my shoulder.I didn't hesitate and did the same,I was also really tired after the whole race week.

We landed after some hours of flying and woke up due to the loud noises.Lando stood up and took out bags,our car was waiting for us just as we got out of the plane.

-"Lando I will drive,you will rest.",you said as he was putting the bags into the car.

-"Thank you babe.",he wispered as he was about to fall asleep again.

We were home about 15 minutes later,I parked the car and helped Lando with our suitcases.I opened the door to our appartment and was immediately relieved when I felt the scent of our place.We placed our bags in the big hall and took off our shoes and jackets.

-"Finally home!",I admitted happily.

-"That's for sure.",he hugged me tight.

-"I am so happy that I will have you by my side for almost 3 months.",you quietly said.

-"Me too babe,me too."

You took the bags to your room and you started to unpack yours and Landos stuff.He was taking a shower after the exhausting flight.When you finished unpacking,you took all of the dirty clothes and wanted to throw them to the laundry basket in the bathroom where Lando was.You opened the door and saw him resting his forehead on the wall.

-"Lando please,you really need to rest!",you hugged him from behind,placing your head on his back.

-"I will babe,just give me a second."

He dried his body and pulled a hoodie over his head,while he was doing that you prepared some vitamins and painkillers for him.He walked to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of water.You brushed your hand through his still wet hair.

-"I think you have a fever Lan."

-"I feel like shit.",he winced in pain.

-"Take these!Hopefully you will feel better after this.",you handed him the pills over.He swallowed the pills without any hesitation.

-"Lando please lay down in the bedroom,I will cook some soup for us."

-"But it is late,you should also get some sleep.",he said.

-"Lando I know that we are both hungry,plus I want you to recover quickly."

-"Fine,I'll see you in a while.",he gave me a gentle kiss and walked to the bedroom,while doing something on his phone.

When I finished cooking the chicken soup,I poured some of the soup into two bigger bowls and walked to the bedroom where Lando was resting.He immediately sat up when he saw me and placed his phone to the side.

-"Be carefull it's not!"

You both just sat on the bed and ate your soup in silence.When you finished,you took the dishes to the kitchen and returned to Lando woth a cold towel in your hand.You layed it down on Landos forehead,in order to get rid of his fever.

-"I love you Y/n,I don't know what I would do without you.",he said.

-"I love you too Lan.",you gave him a kiss on the cheek,not carrying about getting sick aswell.

You both layed down and cuddle into eachother.Seconds later you were already sleeping.

It's race weekend!So excited to watch F1 again!

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