that is unfair

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Warnings: -

Made with love for happyyyyy2004 ❤️ Hope you will like it!

It was finally time.You wanted your friends to meet your boyfriend Lando,but there was one problem.You haven't told them yet,that you were dating Lando.Everything was still fresh and nobody knew it,expect your families.You were scared that they would judge you for dating someone famous or that they might leave you,because they could get recognized on the streets with you.

You haven't told them that Lando was a really famous F1 driver.They wouldn't know it anyways,because they don't watch Formula 1 and don't really care about the sport.You decided to tell them about your relationship today at the dinner you have planed to do at your place.Lando had no problem with that,he wanted to be sure that you are ready.

Lando helped you to prepare everything for tonight.He cleaned the house and helped you with cooking dinner.You decided to do some tomatoe pasta with chicken,for desert you made a delicious strawberry cheesecake.Lando absolutely loves the food you cook,he begs you to cook everyday for him.

Everything was ready for dinner.Plates were laying on the dinning table and the house was all clean.You were both excited,but also nervous.About 10 minutes later your friends arrived,you both welcomed them inside.

-"Hi Ella!Hi Luke!",you greeted your bestie and her boyfriend.

-"So Ella,Luke this is Lando.Lando this is Ella and Luke!",you introduced them to eachother.

Lando gave Ella a hug and shook Lukes hand,just like if they knew eachother for years now.I could tell that they would be close friends one day.

-"Have you heard anything about Mia,Tom or Kiara?",I asked Ella.

-"Yeah,they got stuck in the traffic,they will probably be here soon!",Ella smiled at me.

We all sat down in the living room and started a nice conversation.There were no akward situations,which I am gratefull for.We talked just like if we knew eachother our whole lifes.I just knew,that Lando really enjoyed talking to them,I could tell it by his face expressions and the way he talked.He was really chill and calm.About ten minutes later the door bell rang once again.I opened the door and greeted the rest of our guests.

-"Hi everyone!",I smiled and hugged them all one by one.

-"So once again,this is Lando!Lando this is Mia,Kiara and Tom!",I laughed.

Lando greeted them just the way he greeted Luke and Ella.He was really happy to finally meet my friends,about who I talked all the time.

We all sat down at the table and started to eat the pasta I made.Everyone was enjoying the food and we talked about really random,but cool things.One thing that was bothering me was the way Kiara looked at Lando.She was basicly eating him up with her stare.She wasn't focused at all.After we ate the cheesecake I made,we all sat down in the living room once again and talked some more.I offered to make some drinks or pour ourself a glass of wine.Everyone agreed and I started to make all the drinks.Meanwhile the rest decided to search for a good movie to watch on netflix.

-"Hey Lando,what's up?",Kiara asked Lando,getting closer to him.

-"Yeah,well everything is basicly amazing!",he smiled at her."What about you?"

-"Amazing aswell Lando!I was thinking,do you have any plans on the upcomming weekend?",she smiled so Innocently at MY boyfriend.I mean I can't blame her,she doesn't know about our relationship.

-"Ah,yeah I have a pretty bussy schedule next weekend!I have to travel to Spain!",he explained,now feeling a bit akward or uncomfortable.I couldn't really tell.

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