i always do it

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Warnings: -

Making his way around to his side of your shared bed after he had arrived home from Monza in the middle of that night,your boyfriend,Lando winced several times as he stumbled over cushions on the floor,not daring to switch on the light in case he woke you up.However,despite his best efforts,he was unsuccessful with that,you letting out a gasp of surprise as your covers were suddenly torn away from you since you were sleeping on his side of the bed without him even realising.

-"Y/N?Oh,I'm so sorry for waking you up,baby,but I had no idea you'd be on my side of the bed.",Lando said with surprise as you let out a soft yawn,slowly forcing your body to shuffle onto your own side of the bed, wanting to linger on his own for as long as you were able to because you loved nothing more than being able to smell his scent on his pillow at night.

-"I always sleep on your side of the bed when you're away racing.",you replied groggily needing to fight to keep your eyes open as you spoke.

-"Being able to smell you whilst l've got your spare hoodie over me makes me feel like I'm closer to you and that we're not as far away from each other."

Lando's heart melted at the sound of your words as he got into bed,his heart further skipping a beat as he noticed that his spare Mclaren hoodie was sticking out of the top of the covers whilst being wrapped tightly around you.

-"The smell of me makes me feel closer to you?",Lando
asked you with surprise,a broad smile spreading across his lips as he let out a small sigh of relief.

-"I always thought you'd think I was weird if I admitted to you that I take one of your fluffy blankets to race weekends with me so I can smell you and feel closer to you.",he smiled.

-"That's why my grey one always happens to go missing when you're away!",You responded,attempting to be defensive as you playfully hit Landos arm,but failing miserably due to the realisation that you had something else in common.

Lando let out a few chuckles of amusement as you snuggled your head into his chest,the briton resting his chin contently on the top of your head as you both closed your eyes,Lando having missed you way too much to play fight with you and just wanting you to be as close as possible to him.You let out a sigh of contentment as he began to ruin his fingers soothingly through your hair, Lando filling your ears with sweet nothings as he watched you drifting off to sleep,not allowing himself to do the same until he was certain that you were in a deep sleep and that you wouldn't wake up and need anything.

What do you think guys?

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