you are live babe

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Warnings: -

You were enjoying your time alone,in yours and Landos shared bedroom.You found a really interesting book lately and couldn't stop reading it.Lando didn't even dare to disturb you while you were staring at the full pages.

While you were reading,you heard Lando talking to someone.You thought it would be a friend of his.He enjoyed to talk to Carlos or some of his other friends.Today he was louder than usual,maybe thry had planned something exciting or talk about some stupid things.

-"Lando let your friends also get some rest!",I laughed loud,so he would hear me.

No response.

You just ignored it and read a few more pages.10 pages later,you decided to look what he was doing.You closed your book and walked doan the stairs.On your way downstairs you took one oh his hoodies and threw it on yourself.

You knocked at his door,but he didn't respond.He was probably to focused to hear you.You entered the room and saw your boyfriend on his phone,talking to someone.

-"Lando are you hungry?I can make some of your favorite pasta?",you asked.

-"Uhm babe,no,wait!"

-"No,don't babe me.You haven't eaten anything today!"

-"Y/n babe wait.Please!"

-"No,you will listen to me!",you laughed,while taking his phone out of his hand and placing it on the desk next to you.

-"Y/n,you are live!On Instagram!",he laughed,while getting his phone back and showing you the screen full of comments about your action.You turned red and he noticed.

-"Haha,don't stress babe!They all love you!",he said,while placing a kiss on your head.Landos fans started to write thousands of comments about us.

•Omg!I love you both!
•You better help her with cooking!
•Y/n is so cute!
•Lando listen to her!

You smiled at the comments,that you got.

-"They say that you are beautiful.I mean they are right for sure!",he smiled.

-"I do have the best girlfriend in this world,don't I?",he asked his fans."Alright guys I will end this now.I'll see you soon!"

-"Bye guys!",you added.

Hii!Sorry for not uploading,I will try to finish another chapter today,but I don't promise anything.You all better be ready for valentines day!

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