i still love you

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Warnings: -

This is a part two to liar,since so many wanted a ending 😽

-"I'm sorry won't fix anything."

-"Can I at least explain myself?I don't want this to end like that babe!"

-"Don't call me babe.",you wiped your tears away.The pain grew even bigger inside of you,after you realised you didn't want to be called babe anymore.You didn't wanted to leave him.He is everything you have left.He was there after your parents left.

-"I'm sorry Y/n.",he wispered.

-"I need some time Lando.I don't want to talk to you anymore.",you stood up from the couch and made your way to your shared closed to pick up some of the neccesary things.

-"Be safe.",Lando spoke as you were about to walk through the door.

-"Trust me I will."

You didn't know where to go.You still had your appartment,but you didn't wanted to be alone.You needed someone.Alexandra,your bestfriend was the only option for you,but she also had a boyfriend and her private life.You still decided to call her.

-"Hey Y/n,how are you?"

-"Alex.I can't do it on my own,can I please come over?",you cried into the phone.

-"What happened honey?",she asked worried.

-"Lando happened."

-"Y/n ofcourse you can come over,I am at Charles,but he won't mind."

-"I'll be there in 5,thank you Alex."

-"No worries!"

About 5 minutes later you were already knocking at Charles appartment.The door got opened by Charles and his smile immediately faded away when he saw your wet eyes and mascara on your cheeks.

-"Hey,um.I am sorry for what happened.I don't really even know what happened.I'm just gonna leave this to Alex.",Charles panicked and let you inside.You got immediately hugged by Alex,who wiped your cheeks a little.Her eyes were full of sadness for you.

Charles decided to sit down on the other end of the couch and listen to what happened,but Alex immediately gave him a serious look and pointed her finger at the door,in order for him to leave.The poor man didn't even know what was going on and left the house confused.The only thing on his mind was to call Lando and ask him what happened.

-"Hey mate,um I don't really know what is happening,but I got kicked out of my own house.Y/n came over,but she was crying,like breaking down."

-"Fuck man.Is she ok?Did something happen to her?"

-"I don't know,I'm asking myself aswell.Did something happen at home?"

-"Mate,can you come over,I need to talk to someone."

-"Yeah,that would be good,I don't have anywhere to go.",Charles chuckled.

It didn't take long for Charles to ring at Landos doorbell and wait for him to open the door.

-"I don't know what to do Charles!I fucked up!",Lando grabbed his head and panicked arround."I can't lose her!"

-"Woah,calm down what happened mate?"

-"There was a girl before I meet Y/n.That was three years ago.Her name is Lina and we had something going on for some weeks.We fucked and then walked seperate ways,but that was three years ago!Before I meet Y/n.I just don't understand why she is making such a big deal out of this.It was THREE years ago!I didn't even know her then!"

-"Lando then why is she crying?There must be something else?"

-"Wait let me check the messages.",Lando checked the conversation with Lina and noticed a new message from her.She was asking him when he would be up for another tound of fun.Why would she write after three years?

-"And?",Charles asked.

-"She texted me.After three years?!"

You just sat at the couch and cried.You didn't even knew where to start.Alex was patiently waiting for you to be ready to talk.

-"What happened sweetheart?",she asked.

-"So,let's start with that,that he was in London three monts ago and said he would only hang out with his friends,but he fucked a girl called Lina.Fucking THREE months ago!"

-"What?!Are you joking?What a dick."

-"He admitted that he had feelings for her.Should I breake up?"

-"Have you let him explain his actions?"

-"No,I wasn't able to look him in the eyes."

-"Y/n I don't want to make you think that I am on his side,but you ahould definitely talk to him."

-"I know Alex,but it is so hard.I still love him.We've been together for two years!"

-"So let him talk.Trust me!"

You just gave Alex her point and drove back to yours and Landos place.You could see Charles car in the driveway and decided to give Lando a call before entering.

-"Can we talk?"

-"Yes please!Now?"

-"I'm at the front door."

-"I will open it for you."

You walked past Charles who was just giving you a cute smile and you just couldn't ignore it.You had to smile back,even though you weren't in the mood for it.Lando closed the door and looked you deep in the eyes.

-"Y/n I love you.Please don't do this.I won't be able to go on without you."

-"Lando,please stop.Just explain yourself."

-"I just don't know why this is such a big thing?It was three years ago."

-"Three years ago?Three months ago Lando."

-"No.It was three years ago Y/n.",he looked a bit confused and took his phone out of his pocket and checked the date.

-"That was three years ago Y/n.",he showed you the chat.


-"Yeah,that's what I've been thinking."

-"Wait,does that mean that nothing happened in London?"

-"No,I wouldn't even dare to look at any other woman than you Y/n."

-"Fuck,I thought this was three months ago.I feal so bad Lando.I am so fucking stupid."

-"Hey,no don't say that.You are not stupid.",he wrapped his arms arround your shoulders and pulled you closer towards his body.

-"Lando,I am so sorry.",you cried.

-"No,I am also sorry for screaming at you."

-"But I caused it Lan."

-"We are back to Lan?My nickname?"

-"I don't want to end this relationship."

-"Me neither babe."

-"I love you Lan."

-"I love you too sweetheart."

This is a part twooo!I hope you liked it.By the way,have you seen Landos nose?He was definitely so drunk on the boat!

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