never let me go

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Warnings: mature language,mature content

I recommend listening to "never let me go" by Florence

The past few weeks were really difficult for you and Lando.You both didn't really got along and had some little arguments from time to time,which just got bigger and bigger.You didn't want to fight and just started to get tired with all the arguments you've had the past weeks.You didn't know what was going on,you didn't change yourself,nothing has changed arround your personal space,Lando was just really weird and pissed for a longer time now.You were praying every night,that it is nothing about you and that he wouldn't leave you,just like your ex did.He would just end the relationship with a huge argument and after that he left without returning back.You were so scared that your relationship with Lando was comming to an end,you were not ready for that,he was the only person you had left.

Lando where are you,it's 4 am and you are still not home?

I don't know Y/n!I'm not comming home yet.

What the fuck Lando?What is going on with you?What happened?

Everything is fine,don't be dramatic!

Lando please.

I will be ok.

You tried to convince your boyfriend,to come back home.He was gone for almost 8 hours now and he left without telling you anything.He just dissapeared.Did he even know how much nerves it did cost you to stay calm and don't worry?He just didn't care about anything.

You walked to the kitchen and opened the cupboard with all the medicines and pills you had at home.You looked for the sleeping pills,begging that they would help you to fall asleep and forget about everything for a minute.You really needed that hour of sleep,you were going crazy.You opened the bottle with the pills and took a hand full,leaving the pills on the kitchen table,which now have been spilled out on the table,because you accidentally moved the bottle.You layed down at the big couch in the living room and just closed your eyes.

-"Y/n!What the fuck did you do?"

-"Y/n wake up!"


-"What,why are you waking me up?",you shouted at Lando who was shaking your body violently.

-"Are you crazy?How many did you take?"

-"I just needed sleep Lando,I wasn't thinking straight!"

-"What is going on with you?",he asked in a angry tone.

-"What is going on with ME?!",you screamed at him with a sarcastic smile on your face.

-"Yes Y/n,you are acting really weird lately!"

-"No fucking way Lando!",you laughed.

-"What the fuck do you mean Y/n?!"

-"It's always me isn't it?",you asked.

-"No Y/n,but what's going on lately?"

-"Lando,you are the one leaving the house at 4 am,not even thinking about telling me?I am fucking worried all night,because your stupid ass decides to party all night!",you shouted at him.

-"Y/n your overreacting!"

-"No,no way!You did not just say that!Hear me out Lando!I am the one who stays at home,worries,cooks for you to come back home and ignore everything I did.You don't even talk to me!Sorry to say that,but you act like a fucking selfish and spoiled brat Lando!I can't fucking sleep all night,while you are having the time of your life,getting drunk with your friends!When was the last time we did something together?I'm not talking about big things!When did we watch a movie together or even fucking layed together in bed,doing nothing?Yes a fucking month ago!Nothing is normal.NOTHING IS FUCKING NORMAL!",you cried your eyes out.

Lando just looked at you with huge eyes,shovked at what you just said.He didn't say anything.He just stood there still.

-"Fucking say something!",you cried out.

-"I can't.I'm sorry.",he took his car keys and left the house,while you were sobbing on the floor.

Panic rushed through your head and body.Did he just leave like your ex?Is he going to come back?What is he doing?You cried and cried,till you couldn't take it anymore.You opened the door to your balcony and grabbed the pack of cigarettes that were hidden in your room.You lit one up and took a huge drag at it.Your make up all over your face,the sleeves of your hoddie all wet.You didn't feel anything at that moment.You just stared at the bussy streats of Monaco.

I drove so fast,so fast that I could die if I would make a little mistake.I was so frustrated,frustrated at myself.How could I treat a woman,my woman like this.What's gotten into myself?What have I done?The whole stress about the losing my seat drama was to much and I fucking decided to take my anger out on Y/n.My Y/n,she didn't do anything,she didn't even know about the fake news,people made up.What have I done?What the fuck Lando?What would you do that?

You finished smoking and closed the door of your balcony.You sat down at the floor and just stared at the ceiling.You were sure that it was over.The relationship is over.It ended just like your first one.You have to stop thinking about this.It's over.

The door slammed open and Lando run inside with tears in his eyes,dropping down to the floor where you were sitting.He wrapped his arms arround you and pulled you tight to himself.You couldn't hold your tears and started to cry your eyes out once again.Not because of the argument.He came back,he really did.He didn't leave you alone.

-"I'm so sorry Y/n!You don't even know how bad I feel right now.I feel like shit.I don't even know how I could treat you like this.That was so wrong.I had some really stressfull weeks and I just didn't wanted to tell you about it,because I didn't wanted you to worry about those stupid things.People made things up,that I might lose my seat in Mclaren,but it was all just lies.I'm so sorry Y/n!"

-"Lando,I understand,but why didn't you tell me?We could go through it together,but I'm glad that you came back and apologized.I really am!Please Lando I love you and I care about you!I don't want to fight,I want to love!Can we please don't fight like this anymore?"

-"I am so sorry Y/n.",he wispered."I love you."

-"I love you too Lan.",you said,while your eyes slowly closed,because of all the crying and stress from today.

Lando picked you up and walked to the bedroom,where he layed you down on the bed and put a blanket over your body.He took of his joggers and layed down next to you pulling you as close as possible to his body.He stroked your hair and placed small kisses from time to time on your forehead.

-"Lan,please never let me go.",you wispered.

-"I won't babe,I won't."

I actually like that one really much!What do you think about it?


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