never enough

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Warnings: NSFW 🔞

Sometimes you've been asking yourself what you did,to get so much hate.You meet Lando when he started his debut in F2 and barely had any fame.You didn't even know about his carrer at first and people still dare to say that you are with him just for the money and fame.You sometimes even question yourself why you had the opportunity to have this life.You never asked for it,you always were a really privat person and tried to stay one,but at a certain level it wasn't posible anymore due to Landos F1 appearance.

It was the weekend of the Belgian Grand Prix and Lando asked you to join him through these days.You couldn't deny him and agreed to his request.Lando didn't want to push you,because he knew that you had a difficult time in the internet and got some hate lately.

-"Thank you babe,really.",Lando said while you were walking into the paddock,his arm wrapped arround your shoulders.

-"For what Lan?",you asked with curiosity in your voice.

-"For supporting me here today and just being with me.",he kissed your forehead.

-"You don't need to thank for that babe.I'm always going to support you,no matter what."

-"I love you Y/n."

-"I love you too Lan.",you smiled.

You and Lando arrived at the Mclaren garage,you seperated eachother,so Lando could get ready for Quali.You and Lilly,Oscars girlfriend,decided to get a coffee together and chat for a little.

-"Hey Lilly!",you hugged her.

-"Hi Y/n!",she hugged you back.

-"How are you Lilly?",you asked.

-"Yeah,good and you?

-"Fine,could be better,but I'm good."

-"I don't want to sound mean,but I saw the comments.Y/n you shouldn't worry about them,they are all just jealous of you."

-"I know Lilly,but some of them are just too much for me."

-"Does Lando know about them?",she asked with guilt in her voice.

-"Yeah,he does and he also tries to comfort me,but like,they just don't stop,it's not changing."

-"Let's just forget about it and enjoy our time!"

-"Thank you Lilly,that means a lot to me."

You both chatted for a bit longer and then decided to return to the garage to watch your boyfriends.Lando made an amazing job and qualified 3rd.He immediately walked up to you and gave you a quick kiss.

-"I'm so proud of you Lan!"

-"Thank you babe!",he gave you another kiss.

Lando still had to do some interviews and you gave him time,while you waited for him in his drivers room.About 40 minutes later,the door to his room opened and Lando walked in,all sweaty and still in his race suit.

-"I'm just going to change into my clotes and we can go back to the hotel."

-"Yeah don't worry,take your time babe!",you smiled.He leaned down to you and pulled you into a loving kiss.

-"You alright?",he asked with a soft tone.

-"I'm fine,really!I spend some time with Lilly."

-"Good,you know you look beautiful,don't you?"

-"Lan,stop it!",you giggled.

-"You are Y/n.",he said,while putting a string of your hair behind your ear.He leaned down for another kiss and then took some fresh clothes,to change into.

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