leave me alone

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Warnings: -

Being a girlfriend of an f1 driver was stressfull sometimes.Worrying about his safety on the track in bad weather conditions.It was race day in Spa and your boyfriend was getting ready for the race.It has been raining all day long and some big dark clouds started to appear on the skye.You were waiting for the race start at the Mclaren garage,because your boyfriend is the famous Lando Norris.

-"Wish me good luck!",he winked at you.You were worried,really worried.You were just hoping that the rain would stop before the race would start.

-"Good luck Lan!"

He gave you a light squeeze on the hand and left for the
car, that was already standing on the track.You sighed
and turned to Andrea Stella,who was leaving as well.

-"Mr Stella?He will be okay,right?",you asked.

-"Ofcourse he will,don't worry!",he said warmly and shook you by the shoulders.

The luck wasn't on Mclarens side today for sure.The rain wasn't even planning to stop.All the cars were finishing their fourth lap under the safety car,but as soon as the safety car left,the drivers started to speed up.That's when Lando couldn't handle the car and spin off the track into the barriers.The car was totaly destroyed,there were no signs of nose existing and parts of the bolid were laying all arround the track.

-"LANDO!",you jumped from your seat and ran outside
not giving a heck about the heavy rain.You saw that
Stella tried to connect with Lando.

-"Are you ok Lando?Are you ok?Lando?Are you there with us?",he spoke to the radio.

You saw that Andrea started to nod,saying that Lando is ok.You breathet out and slowly returned to the boxes.After a while Lando came back as well,totally wet because he didn't want to take a bike, but as he was in the helmet,his hair was dry.He took it off and rushed to the motorhome without even approaching you.You followed him.Lando was sitting alone in the room looking at the TV and other cars,that continued the race under yellow flags.

-"Lando I know that you are sad right now,but believe me it's not a big deal,as long as you are safe and alive,everything can be fixed!"

-"Not a big deal Y/n?Did you really just say that?",he asked roughly.His eyes were full of anger.You took a step back.

-"It was a big crash and comparing to that,yes it was not a big deal!",you raised your voice.

-"Y/n just leave me alone!"

-"Are you serious right now?You are asking me to go away?Now?"

-"Yes,that's what I am exactly doing!Leave me alone!",he shouted at you.

You felt upcoming tears but didn't want to show him the weakness,so you did what he asked for.When you were leaving the motorhome,Andrea Stella was entering it in the exact same second.

-"Y/n are you crying?"

-"No I am fine,really!",you smiled while walking away,making your way to the hotel you were staying in.

Rain didn't stop and grey clouds were attacking the sky even more.The best time to sit with a cup of hot chocolate. Finding a more comfortable place on the sofa,you were looking at the track from the hotel caffe,thinking about the argument you had with Lando.You didn't want to hurt him or show that the race wasn't important,but that moment all you could think about was his health and safety.

-"Y/n?",you heard a his voice from behind.

Turning your head you faced with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and Lando,who was looking at you with a light smile,but puppy eyes.He took a seat next to you.

-"I am sorry Y/n.",he apologized."I accted like a idiot,like a selfish idiot!"

-"Lando,you don't need to apologize.I just,I am just worried,when you are racing in those weather conditions.It is really dangerous!And when I saw your car and all the pieces on the track I just panicked and wanted to know that you are ok.I didn't mean to make you feel this way Lan!",you apologized aswell.

-"I love you Y/n!",he placed his lips on yours.

-"I love you too Lan.",you smiled into the kiss.

Hey guys!Sorry that I haven't been uploading any chapters lately!I am back at school and had to learn for important exams.Sorry for that,will definitely try to upload something new at the weekend!
Btw what is going on with Lewis and the whole Ferrari thing?!Didn't see it comming.Shocked but also excited!

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