maybe more than friends

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Warnings: -

This is a part two to only friends,maybe there is going to be a part three aswell?🙈

-"Then show me."

He pulled you closer to him and attached his lips to yours.

The kiss was heated and full of passion,but something about it wasn't good.He was your friend and this didn't feel right.You didn't wanted to destroy your friendship,so you pulled away.

-"That's wrong Lando.That's so wrong.",you panicked,your eyes started to water up and panick rushed through your body.

-"I'm sorry,I shouldn't.",he apologized,carefully stood up and left your bathroom.You just stared at the wall and thought about what just happened,but suddenly the sound of the door opening pulled you out of your thoughts.You quickly rushed to him and stopped him from leaving,by pulling him by his arm.He turned arround and his eyes filled up with hope.

-"Lando,please don't leave.",you begged him,when you realised that he wouldn't say yes.

-"It's better if I leave.",he didn't want to go.He wanted to stay with her and hold her close,but he knew she needed time to think about everything.

-"Lando,I'm begging you.Please!"

-"Y/n that is really not right.",he wispered and grabbed your hand.Squeezing it slightly he left the house.

-"You promised.You promised Lando!You said you will always be there for me when I need you.I need you right now.I fucking need you Lando and you decide to leave.I was there for you when you asked for it.Please."

He hessitated,but ended up returning to your appartment.A wave of relieve rushed through your body,once he stepped into the door.You threw your arms arround his body and he did the same.

-"Let's talk,hm?",he sounded now soft and that's what you needed.You wanted him close to you,his company calmed you down.

You both sat down in your living room.A moment of silence followed,but it wasn't uncomfortable,Lando was just waiting for you to be ready to talk.He was always patient and that's what you loved about him.

-"What's going on dear?",he calmly asked and waited for your respond.

-"I just don't know Lando.Everything overwhelms me recently.I just need some time."

-"I understand you Y/n and trust me it is going to be ok.I also have times where everything pisses me off and I just don't know what to do."

-"But you have everything Lan..",you wispered almost unhearable.

-"What was that?You have as much as I have.You are a really talented,beautiful and successfull woman.Plus you have me.",he smiled proudly and playfully hit your arm,which was a failed attempt to make you smile.

-"Do I?",once again you wispered almost inaudible,with your head down and playing with your fingers.

-"Why wouldn't you?",he tilted his head to the side and looked at your fidgeting hands.

-"Look at me darling.",he placed a finger under your chin and lifted it up,what caused you both to have a short eye contact.His hand wandered to your hands and he softly layed his on top of yours.

-"Why don't you share your thoughts with me,hm?",he added.

-"Lando I don't know.I think about everything a lot.What do you think about?"

-"I think you need to rest.Why don't we watch a movie together?",he tried to cheer you up and grabbed the remote to the TV.

-"Will you stay over?",you hopefully asked,already knowing the answear.No.

-"Do you really want me to?"


-"I will,if that's what will make you feel better."

He picked out your favorite movie and grabbed a blanket from your room to make it even more comfortable.He layed down on the couch and opened his arms in order for you to lay down in them.You didn't hesitated and immediately took the opportunity to be closer to him.You layed down next to him with your head resting in the crook of his neck.Meanwhile he tangled his hand in your hair and started to play with it.Half through the movie you had closed your eyes and hoped to fall asleep immediately,because you were so tired.You got pulled out of ypur thoughts when you heard his voice.

-"It's killing me dear,to know that you are not mine.I love you.",he muttered to himself and layed a kiss on the top of your head.

-"What?",you tenderly asked.

-"Go to sleep darling."

-"No,what did you just said?"


-"I love you means nothing?",he hessitated for a minute and spoke again,but got interrupted by your answer.

-"I love you too.",you admitted quietly.

-"You do?",happiness rushed through his body and a smile appeared on his face.

-"I always did dummy.I love you and that what made me so upset was the fact that you regretted the kiss,because I didn't.I was just shocked and thought you didn't felt the same for me."

-"I didn't regret the kiss Y/n.I really love you and I want to be able to call you mine and show the whole world what a beautiful girl I have."

Ok,I actually love this part.What do you guys think?

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