happy new year

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Warnings: -

It was finally the last day of december.This year was ofcourse unforgettable,full of surprises and amazing,but you just wanted to refresh your life.It was a massiv push of energy when you started dating Lando.Everyone begun to talk about you and judge you,but you never cared.You knew that they were probably just angry or jealous.Lando and you never gave up your relationship,even when you fought or didn't think the same way.

It was 4pm when you both decided to quit watching movies and cuddle together,because you had to get ready for the new years party with some of your friends.It was actually a really lazy day in Monaco,you tought it would be more stressfull.

You walked into your closet at your shared appartment with Lando and started to look for the perfect dress for todays party.You decided to wear a black,tight dress with a cut down your leg.Under that you wore a red pair of underwear,it's supposed to give you good luck for the year.As you were fixing your bra,you noticed your boyfriend staring right at you,not able to look away.

-"Hey beautiful.",he wispered into my ear placing soft kisses on my jawline down to my neck.

-"Hey handsome.",you say turning arround to face him.

-"I don't think that you know,how fucking perfect you are!",he compliments me,while placing a long kiss on my lips.

-"Just wait for later!",you say with a grin on your face,as you turn arround to continue,what you were doing.While you were walking off,Lando took the opportunity and smacked your ass.You just laughed,fixing your thongs that you were wearing.

It was 6pm.I was ready,I decided to do a black smoke eye make up look and to just curl my hair lightly.My outfit matched a pair of Louis Vuitton heels in a dark red shade.I'm not gonna lie,I looked so sexy and the best part of it was,that I actually felt sexy.When Lando saw me standing at the door ready to leave,his jaw dropped down to the ground,when he saw the way I looked.

We walked out of our appartment,straight up to the car.We planned to party and celebrate together with some of our closest friends.With that I mean Max Verstappen,Kelly Piquet,Carlos Sainz and his girlfriend,Daniel
Ricciardo,Pierre Gasly,Kika Gomez and last but not least George Russell and Carmen.

We booked a fancy place in Monaco,where we could all party,without any fans or random people.Lando and me were the fourth to arrive,we greeted everyone and sat down at the big table full of food.30 minutes later everyone arrived and we all started to talk and eat.It was so nice,we had the best time of our life and nothing else mattered.

-"Yeah and come on,tell everybody what you did with our fucking door some time ago!",Kelly laughed,forcing Max to tell the dumb story to everybody.

-"What can I say!The door was locked somehow and our cat was inside!I had to smash the door open with a hammer!",he explained.Everybody laughed.

We all talked about some funny situations that happend this year.It was greate to just sit down and to relax.I don't even know how or when,but the toppic changed in just some seconds.Suddenly we were laughing about our bad jokes.

-"Yeah mate,listen to that banger!What did the shark say when he ate the clownfish?This tastes a little funny!",Lando explained.

-"Mate,I think it's best for you if you keep your focus on racing,yea?",Carlos laughed about the bad joke Lando made.

-"Maybe I'm not good with jokes,but Y/n has a dark humor side,you don't want to know about!",Lando smiled at me.Suddenly everyone wanted me to tell some jokes.

-"Alright,so.When my uncle Frank died,he needed his ashes to be buried in his favorite beer mug.Guess he wanted to be Frank in Stain.",I told my joke.

After our joke session,we all decided to just have fun and dance together.At first Kika,Kelly and me danced to some of our favorite songs together.We looked super silly,but no one really cared.We were all really close together so we felt comfortable arround eachother.When "superstar" by Jamelia started to play Rebecca and me immediately found eachother on the dance floor.We loved to listen to this song.We danced for some time,when I suddenly got pulled away by my boyfriend.Seconds later the song "lost in the fire" started to play,it was the first song to which me and Lando ever danced to.

He placed his hands on my ass,slightly squeezing it,with a huge smirk on his face.I looked him deep in the eyes,thinking about how lucky I am to be with him.He is everything I ever wanted.We are soulmates.I threw my arms arround his neck.We slowly danced to the song,while talking to eachother.

-"You look just so perfect.",he wispered into my ear,placing a soft kiss on my jawline.

-"You don't look bad yourself."

-"You know that I could actually fuck you slow with the lights on,like right now?"

-"You think I don't know that?You are literelly burning holes into my ass babe."

-'What?Im just making sure,that nobody else lays down a hand on you."

-"Lan,we all know eachother.We are friends!"

-"Just let me princess."

After about an hour later we all sat down and started to play a game called "Truth or shots".Pierre was the first to read the card he choose.

-"What is your favorite part of your partners body?",he read loud.

-"Definitely her ass",he laughed,while Kika laughed at his answer.

-"What is your favorite sex kink?",Carlos laughed.He looked at Rebecca and took a shot.

-"What is your favorite sex position?",Lando replied without a doubt.

-"It's for sure Cowboy girl!"I couldn't look anyone in the eyes.I burried my face into my hands,laughing it off.

It was my turn to finally read a question.

-"Don't do this to me!When was the last time you got mouth fucked?Yeah that's it,give me the shot!"

Lando looked at you with a smirk.Laughing about the situation.We answeard some more questions.By the time we finished playing everyone was at least a little bit drunk.

We talked for some more minutes,till the clock hit 11.55pm.We all walked out on the huge balcony and held our champagne glasses.

12pm.New Year.We all clinked our glasses and drank the fizzy drink.Seconds later we heard the fireworks.It was such a greate feeling to spend this day with all my closest friends and boyfriend.He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss.

-"Thank you for everything babe!For all the times you were with me and loved me no matter what.I love you so fucking much princess!"

-"I love you too Lan.You don't even know how happy I am with you honey!"

Happy new year guysss!!🎉
I wish you all the best!I hope you liked this chapter!

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