don't do this to me

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Warnings: sorry for breaking your hearts,disturbing plot twist!

The past few weeks were really difficult.You and Lando haven't had time for eachother,you at least tried to make some plans with him,spend time with him,but he just didn't really cared about it.It seemed like he didn't really wanted to be at home with you,which was really weird,he never acted like this.You were getting worried about your relationship and Lando.You didn't wanted to lose him.

You were together for 2 tears now and fans started to make up fake stories about you.They didn't really enjoyed you arround him.Ofcourse they are just jealous and things like that,but it still hurts.Every other wag had to go through it aswell.People started to talk shit about you on the internet,body shame you and call you stupid names.You tried to ignore it.It was hard to look through social media,seeing all those comments.

Lando started to party a lot more,than he usually did.He didn't even ask you if you wanted to come with him.It hurted you,but you didn't say anything,just praying for yoyr relationship.Lando was the only person that cared and loved you.Your parents never gave you love,so you got addicted to that feeling really fast.

You couldn't stay quiet anymore.You wanted to talk to Lando and find out what's behind his behavior.Landl arrived home after a meeting with his team principal.You walked up to him,trying to hug him,but he didn't really hugged you back.

-"Lando,can we please talk?"

-"What is it Y/n?I am really tired."

-"Lando what the fuck is going on?You act so weird all the time.You are never home!You just party with your friends amd have fun and completely forget me,when you come back home!I need love too!I need you here with me too!I am your girlfriend!Lando?!",you started crying,It was all to much for you.

-"Y/n what the fuck are you talking about?Everything is perfectly fine!I don't know what you are talking about."

-"Lando shut the fuck up!It is not!You are ignoring me for two weeks now and you don't even try to talk to me!I am a human being and I also need love and time from my boyfriend.I remind you Lando,you are my fucking boyfriend!The only person I have here with me!I don't have anyone to talk to,my parents don't give a shit about me!They never did,you know that!I get comments from those fucking so called fans,that say that I am fat,ugly,disgusting and that I should fucking kill myself!I don't know what to fucking do!I pray every night for your safety and our relationship Lando!I love you and I don't think you do too!",I screamed at him,while tears were pouring down my cheeks.

-"Y/n,I know!I see those comments and I just don't know what to do about them,ok?!I am also just a human being and don't know every answear to everything!I just don't know what I think and feel!Ok?!",he also started to cry now.

-"Y/n,I think it is better when we breake up.We both need time and space.I just don't know what to think about this whole situation.",he looked at me with a now calmed down look,grabbing my hand and squeezing it slightly.

-"What?",I sobbed,looking him in his eyes.

-"I'm sorry babe."

-"Lando,I can't do it without you!I don't fucking have anybody fucking here!What am i supposed to do?"

-"It will be ok Y/n,I promise!",he hugged me.

-"Lando,please!Don't do this to me!",I cried.

-"Shhhhh,it is going to be ok Y/n."

-"Lando,I love you!Please I will change,whatever I did wrong,I will change that,just don't fucking leave me!"

-"Y/n,we just don't work anymore."

-"What the fuck do you mean we don't work?!I do everything for you,I support you,cheer for you and do evefything fucking for you.I gave you my body,my everything Lando!I trusted you with my life and you just leave it like that?!",I cried even more.

-"I have to go Y/n.",he stood up,kissing my forehead.He dissapeared.

I am really on my own now.I am alone again.What should I do?I feel so empty.Everything I had,got taken away from me.Everything.

Some time later...

-"Shit!What the fuck!",I woke up,breathing heavily.What the fuck was that?I can't do it anymore.Why does that always happen to me?

I got out of bed and walked out on the balcony from my hotel room.That needs to stop.It can't be like that the whole time.I walked to my suitcase and took out the piece of paper,that I had folded many times.

I rode it once again and my eyes started to fill up with tears again.I have to throw it away.It is not good for me to read it.I decided to call my bestfriend once again.

-"Mate,I can't!It happened again!"

-"Bro,It is 3 am and you are calling me to tell me this once again?You need to get over it,seriously!It's been months now.

-"Yeah,you are right.I'll try my best,thanks Max!"

Lando ended the call with Max.He looked at the piece of paper that he was holding in his hand and rode it the last time.He took a lighter and budned it down.He watched as the small pieces of dust fell down to the floor.

I got dressed into something comfortable and left my room.I walked down the streets of Monaco.It was quiet and calm,just the way she liked it.I seriously need to stop thinking about it.On my way to her I saw some flowers growing on the side of the street.I picked a beautiful rose and pulled it out of the ground.I was nearly there.I walked through the big gate and looked for her.I finally found her,it was dark,so it was hard to find where she was.But the street lights were shining right there,where she was.

I sat down on the ground and started to speak to her.

-"Hey sunshine!You've been haunting my dreams lately,you know?I'm not mad about it,I was happy to see you again.I miss you,I miss you so much!I am sorry for what I did,please forgive me Y/n.I was so stupid.I wasn't thinking about anything I said.I should have watched my thong!You know how I am,right!?You always said that I act like a child.That's because I am still one!I act like a freaking child,all the time!But I really do muss you.Can you please come back?I am going to fix everything,I promise!You can trust me,I wont breake it this time!",I laughed,hidding the tears,that were forming now in my eyes.

-"I have a picture of the letter you left me.I burned it down,but I just don't think I am ready to let you go like this,you know Sunshine?"

-"You wrote,that you wanted me to read the letter out loud.So here I am reading it just for you princess,because I love you!"

-"Dear Lan!I don't really know,how to write something like this.Should I write about what we had or how we loved eachother?I am just gonna write something about you.Lan you were the first Love of my life and I am really gratefull for that!You showed me how to trust,love and respect everything and everybody.My parents never showed me love or support,but you changed that,thank you for that!You are a really good man Lando.You were the sweetest person I hav ever meet.You always laughed about the stupid stuff I made amd so did I.Don't forget that you are a really good person.You will find someone better than me in just some days.Lan,it was not your fault!Ok?It wasn't your fault!I just had to go and find a better place for myself.You are strong,smart,handsome,funny and ao much more.When you find this letter I want you to know that I love you with my whole heart.You are the best thing,that has ever happened to me!I also want you to read it out loud to yourself and remember that you are all that,that I wrote in this letter.Stay strong Lando!I am sorry!Your Y/n or your muppet,you prefered the second one.Love you Lan!"

I stod up and wiped my tears away,placing the red rose on her grave stone.I looked at her grave.It was really simple and beautiful,just like she would want it to look like.

-"I love you too sunshine!Rest in peace Y/n Y/l/n."

Guys I am sorry!I just wanted to do a sad chapter.Didn't know it would turn out that sad!Uploading a new chapter tomorrow!

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